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Reformated HD season save Question.


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I recently formated my HD to get ride of a virus. I have saved my season and setting on a CD. However, when I loaded MVP05 as well as MVP06LL i for some reason can't access my season or profile. While formating and reinstalling XP I partitioned my HD into 2 one for the XP and one for everything else. Let's call them C: "xp" and D: "doc's and files". I installed MVP on D: so why can't I get my season back? I tried a few things. I placed the season and profile files in the my doc's folder in c: as well as created one in d: and still no luck. Any help?

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I thought the season is saved in the mvp folder inside my documents. Not inside the my documents folder direct.

Yeah, there's a "MVP Baseball 2005" folder inside the "My Documents" folder. Contains the .sav files.

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Yeah, there's a "MVP Baseball 2005" folder inside the "My Documents" folder. Contains the .sav files.

Thanks Guy's I figured it out... What I did wrong was store the "MVP2005" folder containing the saved info into the MVP2005 my doc's folder... therefore there was a folder within a folder and the information could not be found by the program.. thanks for your responses.

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