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How to speed up Gameplay for a Laptop with ATI video chip?


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My laptop has a ATI Radeon IGP 345M, my MVP Baseball game runs ok just ok. I went to the Video settings and raise the Resolution to 1400x1050 which my laptop resolution is really at. So then I play a quick game and the graphics look awesome but the Gameplay is really slow. Now I just reinstalled my windows and it has 32.2 GB left on it's hard drive. Any way to make the game go quicker. i just reinstall the game so it has no mods, no roster updates from MVPEdit.

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Geo, sounds like the resolution and graphic settings are too much for the integrated card in the laptop. I don't know how much system RAM you have, but when you play games, the integrated card will use some of your RAM to process the graphics. It does this because it doesn't have it's own dedicated RAM to use for the graphics. This can really sap your system resources and cause poor performance.

There are many threads on the boards discussing graphic settings and integrated cards. Just do a search. Bottom line is: You can't have the high level graphics and good frame rate with that integrated card.

You might want to look into a program called 3D Analyzer

There are some threads discussing this program and its use with MVP on the boards as well.

Good luck man.

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