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Ok So I have been trying a long long time to figure out how to do this.

(I have Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7)

What I want to do is take a person an isolate him from the backgroud of the picture. Like if I want just Francisco Liriano pitching but not the stands and the field behind him. Does anyone know if it is possible to get this without a line of remaining "junk" around the player? And if I can do it in Paint Shop Pro 7?

Any help would be appretiated.


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Yes you can do this in Paint Shop Pro or any other graphics manipulation program. I recently posted a tutorial on how to do it with The GIMP, a free photoshopesque photo-editing program available for free at www.gimp.org. You can find the tutorial here: http://mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Forums&f...=asc&start=3390

It's the 7th post.

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Use the polly laso tool and trace the best you can around the player. If that doesnt work, post the pic and I will cut it out for you and repost it in PSD format.

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I just learned how to do this using photoshop at work and look at my avatar...not shabby for a beginner.
...if you do say so yourself :wink:
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Use the polly laso tool and trace the best you can around the player. If that doesnt work, post the pic and I will cut it out for you and repost it in PSD format.

What do you use to cut it out?

Yes you can do this in Paint Shop Pro or any other graphics manipulation program. I recently posted a tutorial on how to do it with The GIMP, a free photoshopesque photo-editing program available for free at www.gimp.org. You can find the tutorial here: mvpmods.com/index.php?...start=3390

How big is the GIMP Program (download wise)?

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I really like bama's tutorial on GIMP, but I don't know what to download for GIMP! I want to compare GIMP and JPSP side by side but, there are a whole bunch of pre-requisites for the GIMP download. Can anyone here give me a simplified version?


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I really like bama's tutorial on GIMP, but I don't know what to download for GIMP! I want to compare GIMP and JPSP side by side but, there are a whole bunch of pre-requisites for the GIMP download. Can anyone here give me a simplified version?


GIMP is a good program. I use it when I'm booted up in Linux.

Download the stable version for Windows: GIMP

And the Runtime Environment GTK+2

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