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I'm done for now


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we knew he was joking but its freakin ridiculous to make a comment like that after a guy loses all that crap and might not even get it all back.... that shows his total lack of maturity and compassion towards anyone else

I've had computers fried on me. Ive lost hard drives and all the data held within. Hell, I lost my girlfriends hard drive (and having to deal with her afterwards...you have no idea.) And yeah, you get upset.

But umm...No one died. Terrorists didnt attack. Planes didnt crash. Trains didnt derail. Hurricanes didnt wipe out towns. Maybe laughing about something like this can bring just a little bit of perspective? Especially since we are all waiting on that certain something...and now this?? Haha cmon....I mean that IS funny if you think about it. Whats next? The downloads section of this site gonna go down? Ooops....

I feel for Kraw...I honestly do. But I think what everyone forgets is (And hence why so many people do whine about "When is MVP06 coming out")....This crap is a freaking convienence. Its a pleasure. Its not a necessity. You will not die without it. I promise :)

Man, I just got too serious for my own good.

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I've already asked a question similiar in the other thread, but i was wondering, if you can get the information onto the usb memory stick or max drive stick, what kind of program do you need to put on a disk to get it onto the ps2 to move it onto a memory card, I'm sorry for pestering, and thanks for any help again. I'm just frustrated that the disk that came with the game doesn't work well and the guy was like well it works good so i can't refund it. So now I have a max drive but I don't really have the disk or program to make downloading rosters work for me. THanks for any help at all guys. I really enjoy this site, but I haven't been able to use any of the great roster updates yet.

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And to add....Kraw...best of luck with the insurance. Insurance companies suck. Dealing with them can be the absolute worst, in any scenario (be it medical, homeowners, car....bleh.)

I had to deal with All State when my car was stolen. Complete morons. My mother had to deal with All State with Home Owners Insurance when we had an issue with the roof. Once again....complete morons. Its like you pay all this money to be told the insurance doesnt cover what happened, or they just really dont care about what happened.

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At Kraw; Good luck with the claims, I know they can be a pain in the neck. If theres anything I can do (or anyone can do), I'd be happy to help

At michaeljjt; well said, especially with whats been happening recently.

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If there's no structural damage to your house, you should get a check pretty quick. Make sure you price everything before they cut you the check. Also, keep all receipts when you purchase "new" things - if you go over, all you do is contact the insurance company again.

I've dealt w/insurance companies twice over the past 3 years on issues on my current and old house. Like I said, if you have structural damage, that takes awhile but minor appliances should be taken care of quickly.

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If I hear the words "Act of God" from the insurance company, I WILL kill someone.

anyway, I going to get a few power supplies tomorrow and see if I can get the computers running, if so I will just bite the power supply cost. If not they will never know I tried.

A claims officer will call me Monday is what I was told

And Yes I had surge protectors on everything, all but one of them were fried

On a side note, everything that had the name "Sony" on it was killed (7 items) everything will the name "Phillips" lived (5 items)

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I lost power and 36 hours later when it came back on 5 of 7 computers were dead

5 computers

2 Xboxs Dead

1 360 Dead

1 PS2 Dead

1 Sony HDTV dead

3 DVD plays DEAD

1 HDDVD player DEAD

all the high priced [naughty word] is dead, the two cheap *** TVs and gamecubes still work

So as of right now, i'm DONE until the home owers insurance pays off (anybody ever deal with Travelers insurance before)

Sorry Fuzz I did not get the select screen done before everything died

I assume only the power supplies or mother boads are dead (but travelers does not want me to touch anything) and the HDs are OK, hey I can dream.

That's like the worst thing that can happen to somebody. I don't know what i'll do if something like that happens to me. I probally cry myself to death.
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oh crap man, that bites big time :(

hope the insurance company isnt being a dick.

and glad to hear that the mvp '06 mod is on a USB stick. Not for us but for you, there must be a ton of work in it and if it all was lost in 1 powersurge......

oh and all the philips stuff survived?? I knew we dutch made great products :)

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And Yes I had surge protectors on everything, all but one of them were fried

Kraw don't the surge protectors themselves have a warranty? They always say they are good for like 10-30 grand of connected equipment or something like that. If the insurance company can't do anything for you, can you go this route?

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If I hear the words "Act of God" from the insurance company, I WILL kill someone.

anyway, I going to get a few power supplies tomorrow and see if I can get the computers running, if so I will just bite the power supply cost. If not they will never know I tried.

A claims officer will call me Monday is what I was told

And Yes I had surge protectors on everything, all but one of them were fried

On a side note, everything that had the name "Sony" on it was killed (7 items) everything will the name "Phillips" lived (5 items)

Uhhh..makes you wonder exactly what type of "surge" you are protected against, huh? I always knew the surge protector industry was just some monstrous scam job! :)

My old C64 died in the same fashion. Surge protectors....and just a bad lightning storm outside. All of a sudden, my screen crackled...and my whole house went dark. 5 minutes later....she was gone. And all those floppies never ever found a home again. And Micro League Baseball was never ever to be played again....

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Man, Sorry to hear this Kraw. I have had something happen recently

that was similar with pc and appliances. That is one good thing about this forum, many

mods are here and we can DL for MVP. But, there is more to

the pc than MVP even to us mvp formites...

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I lost power and 36 hours later when it came back on 5 of 7 computers were dead

5 computers

2 Xboxs Dead

1 360 Dead

1 PS2 Dead

1 Sony HDTV dead

3 DVD plays DEAD

1 HDDVD player DEAD

all the high priced [naughty word] is dead, the two cheap *** TVs and gamecubes still work

So as of right now, i'm DONE until the home owers insurance pays off (anybody ever deal with Travelers insurance before)

Sorry Fuzz I did not get the select screen done before everything died

I assume only the power supplies or mother boads are dead (but travelers does not want me to touch anything) and the HDs are OK, hey I can dream.

That sucks and I hope you get compensation from the slimeballs at the insurance company.

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I've had computers fried on me. Ive lost hard drives and all the data held within. Hell, I lost my girlfriends hard drive (and having to deal with her afterwards...you have no idea.) And yeah, you get upset.

But umm...No one died. Terrorists didnt attack. Planes didnt crash. Trains didnt derail. Hurricanes didnt wipe out towns. Maybe laughing about something like this can bring just a little bit of perspective? Especially since we are all waiting on that certain something...and now this?? Haha cmon....I mean that IS funny if you think about it. Whats next? The downloads section of this site gonna go down? Ooops....

I feel for Kraw...I honestly do. But I think what everyone forgets is (And hence why so many people do whine about "When is MVP06 coming out")....This crap is a freaking convienence. Its a pleasure. Its not a necessity. You will not die without it. I promise :)

Man, I just got too serious for my own good.

Thank you.

Fact is, there's worse things in life than losing a couple of computers. Sure, it's a loss, but it can be replaced over time.

As for lack of maturity, calm down. If you think I'm not mature enough for your own good, than why do you even bother responding to such an immature post? Can you tell me that.

Please we had a short period of time when MVPmods was a bunch of people that were to serious. It was no fun then, and it won't be fun if we started doing that again. We need humor, we need laughter, and we need people to lighten up. That's what makes this message board great. People like you don't. It's a message board. It's not school, it's not work, it's not church, its a MESSAGE BOARD for BASEBALL!

We don't need to be jumping on peoples back for not being at your level of "maturity".

Calm down, enjoy the boards, and don't go jumping down peoples necks.

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Fact is, there's worse things in life than losing a couple of computers.

There are worse things. But to lose a thousand bucks worth of equipment in one fell swoop isn't good. Do you know what Kraw does for a living? This might be essential equipment for his livelihood. Sometimes it's not easy to come up with the cash in an instant to buy another computer. Kraw might have to choose between paying the rent this month or getting a new PC. Maybe the Great American Novel that Kraw's been working on for the past two years was on the HD and got lost forever.

The real world's not always as simple as, "Just run right out and get another and everything'll be alright." Unless you're Job.

The issue here isn't the severity of the situation, it's your insensitivity (or at least what we percieve as your insensitivity) to the misfortunes of another human being.


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There are worse things. But to lose a thousand bucks worth of equipment in one fell swoop isn't good. Do you know what Kraw does for a living? This might be essential equipment for his livelihood. Sometimes it's not easy to come up with the cash in an instant to buy another computer. Kraw might have to choose between paying the rent this month or getting a new PC. Maybe the Great American Novel that Kraw's been working on for the past two years was on the HD and got lost forever.

The real world's not always as simple as, "Just run right out and get another and everything'll be alright." Unless you're Job.

The issue here isn't the severity of the situation, it's your insensitivity (or at least what we percieve as your insensitivity) to the misfortunes of another human being.


Post of the day.

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There are worse things. But to lose a thousand bucks worth of equipment in one fell swoop isn't good. Do you know what Kraw does for a living? This might be essential equipment for his livelihood. Sometimes it's not easy to come up with the cash in an instant to buy another computer. Kraw might have to choose between paying the rent this month or getting a new PC. Maybe the Great American Novel that Kraw's been working on for the past two years was on the HD and got lost forever.

The real world's not always as simple as, "Just run right out and get another and everything'll be alright." Unless you're Job.

The issue here isn't the severity of the situation, it's your insensitivity (or at least what we percieve as your insensitivity) to the misfortunes of another human being.


yea... what he said

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Geez Kraw, that really sucks. Hey I had a similar situation happen one time with my larger CRT TVs. Lightening storm and they went dead and wouldn't respond again. Then I thought if I just unplug them, maybe they would reset. And sure enough they did and have been working great for years since. Give that a try if you havent yet. Good luck!

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Great post by AstroEric there that really summed up everything.

I really feel bad for Kraw about what happened. I hope to God for his case that he can recover everything and get things to work again.

Another thing, NYM, I believe everyone knew you were joking about what you said, but I think what upset people was not really what you said, but the timing of when you said it. The last thing Krawhitham needs now is more aggravation from anyone.

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I don't deserve the commendations.

This is something that doesn't just apply to NYM -- it's easy to forget that behind the avatars and the silly screennames, there are actual people. It's easy with the anonynity and dehumanizing aspects of the Internet to say (or type) things that we wouldn't dare say in real life.

I've been guilty of this too, to be certain, and probably will be guilty again in the future. We would all be better posters, I'm sure if we took that extra five seconds to think before we submit, actually thinking about what we type instead of going with our gut reaction, the forum--hell, the whole internet--would be a better place.

But let's not distract from Kraw's troubles with this tangential conversation.


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I don't deserve the commendations.

This is something that doesn't just apply to NYM -- it's easy to forget that behind the avatars and the silly screennames, there are actual people. It's easy with the anonynity and dehumanizing aspects of the Internet to say (or type) things that we wouldn't dare say in real life.

I've been guilty of this too, to be certain, and probably will be guilty again in the future. We would all be better posters, I'm sure if we took that extra five seconds to think before we submit, actually thinking about what we type instead of going with our gut reaction, the forum--hell, the whole internet--would be a better place.

But let's not distract from Kraw's troubles with this tangential conversation.


To be honest, no offense to you, or to any of the moderators here...But joking about a subject does not show insensitivity. Joking is how some people deal with adversity. Joking is how some people cope with things. I know, that in real life....whenever any of my friends are faced with something serious, I try to make them laugh. Do I hug them and console them? Of course. But I also try to bring some levity to the situation, to alleviate the "grieving."

Did you ever read a Spider-Man comic? Did you ever watch Friends and see the character of Chandler Bing? Yes these are fictional...but they are derived from real life. Some of us ARE these people. Both in real life and on message boards. And its our job to take a serious situation and make you laugh about it.

Anyway, this was going to be my original post, before i started seeing some of the replies...

This whole situation reminds me of an episode of The Simpons. You know that one with the "Inanimate Carbon Rod?"

I think we need to post a picture on the main page of "The Inanimate USB Stick" that saved us all :)


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