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Thoughts and Prayers


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You'll be in my prayers tonight, medric. The Lord does some amazing things, but you have to faith in that fact and miracles will work. That's the truth.

Remember, through the Lord, anything is possible. Just ask the 2004 Red Sox, heh (I had throw in a dig at the Sox fans---it's all love though :D )

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Not really sure what it means when people say my "thoughts" go out to you or when people ask to be kept in my "thoughts" and prayers.

Since praying works, I'll be praying for you tonight and tomorrow.

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, but The fact that I may never walk again if something goes wrong does frighten me just a tad as you can imagine. So, putting all personal feelings that you may have against me aside, I would ask that you pray for me for friday, and the following days.

I'll keep you posted when new information is given. Thanks you all, and Godbless:


Medric, what you are going to be going through is way more important than anything in here. I am hoping that everything goes well for you during this surgery and that everything works out for you. I'll be thinking of you on Friday and saying a little prayer for you. Good luck!!

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God be with you medric.

Our tomorrow is based on our today. What we choose to do today will decide what happens to us tomorrow.

I'll be praying.

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God Bless Kid, my back seems stiff at times 2, but that's me sleeping the wrong way. Anyway I won't pray for you because I don't know you, but I will cross my fingers.

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.. Anyway I won't pray for you because I don't know you, but I will cross my fingers.

Wow, that just made you sound like a jerk. But anywho

I had the bone scan done today of my whole body, and the only thing that that proved is that the fractures weren't anything new. I have an idea of how I got them too. Two years ago, some scumbag punched me in the back for no reason, because thats just how this dude is. And my folks wanna sue him now, but since there was no offical report about this, it's word against word.

I'll be going for an MRI soon, to see what popps up there.

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Wow, that just made you sound like a jerk. But anywho

I had the bone scan done today of my whole body, and the only thing that that proved is that the fractures weren't anything new. I have an idea of how I got them too. Two years ago, some scumbag punched me in the back for no reason, because thats just how this dude is. And my folks wanna sue him now, but since there was no offical report about this, it's word against word.

I'll be going for an MRI soon, to see what popps up there.

Show me who this guy is so I can smack him with a microwave

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Show me who this guy is so I can smack him with a microwave

After you hit him with the microwave, plug it in and sit it directly on his lap so his sperm count drops to 0. Then he won't be able to breed stupidity.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, i finally have an update for you all, for good or bad.

Today was the appointment at the back specialist, and i found some things out. My back is arched at an 69 degree angle, where the normal is maybe low 40's, and the best is mid 20's. He said it wasn't the worst that he's ever seen, but that it was up there. Surgery is an option, which I will touch base on later, but until then, I can take anti-inflamatories. Sounds good huh? But wait, it gets better.

Most anti-inflamatories are asprin-based products, which if I take, i will go into shock then die shortly there-after, and the other kinds are mode of sulfa, which I am also allergic too. So that plan is shot to hell. I can also do physical therapy as well as other exercises until my back strengthens, but with this huge number of a degree, it wont do much if any help.

SO, that leaves surgery, which at my age, I will heal quickly. They will cut open my back, and fuse my spinal bones with pins and screws. Fuse is just a nice term of saying that my entire upper back will be 1 large bone. Then after the sergery, when I am able to walk again, I'll have to wear a plastic brace (cast basicly) for 5-7 months afterward. Then after that, it'll be 9 months to a year til I can run again.

Sound like fun, wait, here's the cool-whip for your pumpkin pie.

When were all done, I'm scheduled for a check-up appointment in a year. Well, gee, I'm glad I'm not bleeding severly, I'd have to wait 3 weeks for a band-aid.

So, no baseball anymore for me pritty much, since I want this sergury A.S.A.P. so that I can look like an average Joe.

I'm just glad that in my last baseball game, I was 1-1 with a walk, and scored twice, my run being the last of the game/season. And I'll truely miss standing in that box, and smiling at the pitcher, and seeing that look of confusion on his face as if I knew what he was thinking, and in a way, I did. 7 out of 10 times i knew what and where he was throwing it. My personal favorite was inside, I could rip that ball hard then.

But, back on the story, there is some good news out of all this, and it goes as followed:

I lost 6 lbs.

I drove 50MPH through a cith to make my appointment

I found out from my X-Ray that I wasn't pregant. (there was a sign on the X-Ray room door that stated for me to notify the nurse if I was "pregant or think I may be, so I told the nurse that I was very very late :) )

I also got 2 Billy Joel Songs stuck in my head (Moving Out, Stranger)

And thats all, I may have surgery before my Senior year has ended, so that I can look normal when I attend college, but I'll notify you of any changes.

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Ok Medric, I know this is not the kind of news you need to have because you are so young, but if you do exactly what these doctors want you to do, you'll be able to walk for the rest of your life, which I hope lasts many, many more years.

Sure you'd have to give up baseball and any contact sport. But that is a small price to pay for your overall well being. And with you being young it can only help you. The younger you are, the faster you get better.

You'll have doctor's visits in your future and physical therapy. And when you are all done, your back will be a lot better and you will be too for the rest of your life.

Best of luck, as always.

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