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Wouldn't Ibuprofen be something you can take? It's not aspirin and it's not sulfa. Here's the wiki article on it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibuprofen

yeah, I'm allergic to that one too, as well as sefcil (not sure if I spelled it right) and penicillin. Gee, I just hope that later in life I dont get a STD, with my luck, I just might.

Back to what Y4L said, its very easy to say that, but, and dont take this the wrong way, but you dont know me. My whole like is revolved around sports. I care more about them than I do about chicks, lol.

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yeah, I'm allergic to that one too, as well as sefcil (not sure if I spelled it right) and penicillin. Gee, I just hope that later in life I dont get a STD, with my luck, I just might.

Back to what Y4L said, its very easy to say that, but, and dont take this the wrong way, but you dont know me. My whole like is revolved around sports. I care more about them than I do about chicks, lol.

you won't have to worry about that STD then ...

But seriously, best of luck to you. Keep your spirit up and good things will come your way.

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Back to what Y4L said, its very easy to say that, but, and dont take this the wrong way, but you dont know me. My whole like is revolved around sports. I care more about them than I do about chicks, lol.

Yes, that is true. I don't know you. But would you rather risk being in a wheelchair or not playing sports at all? Hey, as long as things work out for you, that is all that matters.

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obviously i'm not a doctor, and i don't play one on tv, so i don't know the specifics of what you have been diagnosed with. however, there was a kid that i went to school with that had what sounds like a similar problem; he had surgery and had to wear a back brace for a year. after he got through with all the treatments and the brace came off, he was fine. matter of fact, that guy stands straighter (and thus with a more confident appearance) than any person i've ever seen.

there's always hope man - you just have to stay positive. it's easy to say something like that but i've always been a believer of it. good luck man.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, today I have another doctor appointment to see exactly when I can have the surgery. I kinda want it after the school year, so I can play baseball my senior year, but my back also hurts everyday and I kinda want it tomorow if you know what I mean. I'll updat you guys later.

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Well, today I have another doctor appointment to see exactly when I can have the surgery. I kinda want it after the school year, so I can play baseball my senior year, but my back also hurts everyday and I kinda want it tomorow if you know what I mean. I'll updat you guys later.
Waiting to hear what happens medric.
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Yeah, sorry, just got home today. Spent Thanksgiving at my sisters this year, and I hope I never have to do it again (i'll touch base on that later).

Yeah, the Doc said that I could have the surgery whenever I wish. I kinda want to wait til after the school year, so I could play baseball this year. But my back constantly hurts, and I get made fun of for it every day. The kids at my school suck, they even make fun of kids in wheel chairs. But if I have the surgery now, I'll be on my butt for a year. Nothing realy new, but my mom was there and got to ask some questions. Also, nothing was the cause for this, well, except for my DNA. But I also learned how painful this will be. They will gather up bone mass from other parts of my body, like my, oh what do you call them... my butt bones?, to fill in the arched bones to make them parrallel and rectangular. I'll also have to wear a back brace too, which is going to be uncomfortable in the summer, which is another reason I kinda want in in December.

Ok, now onto the rest of the story. It seems that everything I did there, at my sisters, I either got made fun of or ridiculed. And no matter how many times I told my niece not to jump on my back or to hit it, she would, then have a devilish grin as she giggled and walked away.

My grandparents were there too. My grandfater is awesome, the kind of guy that everyone wishes they were related to. He had throat cancer last year, but now it's gone. And my grandmother was showing my niece her rings and telling the stories about them. The one she said she got from my grandfather because she took good care of him when he was sick 9with Cancer). This isn't true at all. One time, this is the worst story ever, they were home, and he fell on the floor. She wouldn't help him up or give him anything to help him get up or at least comfort him. He had to wait an hour on the hard floor in his underwear til the paramedics arrived, and picked him back up and examined him. He was fine.

Then while eating dinner, my grandmother said that nothing was wrong with me, and that I was faking. That did it for me, I just blew.

I told her to shut her (4 letter bad word)ing mouth and to shut the hell up. That I was sick of her bull(4 letter bad word), and that of all people she shouldn't talk because she has a damn beach ball on her back!

My brother in law had to leave the room to laugh his butt off, while my grandfather just satyed there and did it. My sister sat there shaking, my niece cried, and my grandmother became as red as a beet. Somehow I became the bad guy.

So that was lots of fun.

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Yeah, sorry, just got home today. Spent Thanksgiving at my sisters this year, and I hope I never have to do it again (i'll touch base on that later).

Yeah, the Doc said that I could have the surgery whenever I wish. I kinda want to wait til after the school year, so I could play baseball this year. But my back constantly hurts, and I get made fun of for it every day. The kids at my school suck, they even make fun of kids in wheel chairs. But if I have the surgery now, I'll be on my butt for a year. Nothing realy new, but my mom was there and got to ask some questions. Also, nothing was the cause for this, well, except for my DNA. But I also learned how painful this will be. They will gather up bone mass from other parts of my body, like my, oh what do you call them... my butt bones?, to fill in the arched bones to make them parrallel and rectangular. I'll also have to wear a back brace too, which is going to be uncomfortable in the summer, which is another reason I kinda want in in December.

Ok, now onto the rest of the story. It seems that everything I did there, at my sisters, I either got made fun of or ridiculed. And no matter how many times I told my niece not to jump on my back or to hit it, she would, then have a devilish grin as she giggled and walked away.

My grandparents were there too. My grandfater is awesome, the kind of guy that everyone wishes they were related to. He had throat cancer last year, but now it's gone. And my grandmother was showing my niece her rings and telling the stories about them. The one she said she got from my grandfather because she took good care of him when he was sick 9with Cancer). This isn't true at all. One time, this is the worst story ever, they were home, and he fell on the floor. She wouldn't help him up or give him anything to help him get up or at least comfort him. He had to wait an hour on the hard floor in his underwear til the paramedics arrived, and picked him back up and examined him. He was fine.

Then while eating dinner, my grandmother said that nothing was wrong with me, and that I was faking. That did it for me, I just blew.

I told her to shut her (4 letter bad word)ing mouth and to shut the hell up. That I was sick of her bull(4 letter bad word), and that of all people she shouldn't talk because she has a damn beach ball on her back!

My brother in law had to leave the room to laugh his butt off, while my grandfather just satyed there and did it. My sister sat there shaking, my niece cried, and my grandmother became as red as a beet. Somehow I became the bad guy.

So that was lots of fun.

I have the same kind of grandmother Medric. She can be a horrible human...and that bothers me to write that, but it's true. She enjoys playing the family off of one another, and then can't seem to understand when people stay away...

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I have the same kind of grandmother Medric. She can be a horrible human...and that bothers me to write that, but it's true. She enjoys playing the family off of one another, and then can't seem to understand when people stay away...

Yeah, she loves to play mind games and tryes to break the family apart. She's very good at it too i might add.

My brother dosn't talk to my mom, my mom dosn't talk to one sister, one brother, and one (not sure if he/she had a sex change) once upon a time brother. Nobody talks to my grandmother---willingly, my aunt left with her son and my uncle now stalks her with death threats, my twin aunts are gay (litteraly. but not together) but one thinks she's black and the other thinks that she's a great country singer (cant even carry a bad tune). Oh yeah! Forgot to mention, my grandmother also thinks that she's part hopie Indian, but everyone in her family tree is from Italy.

And just think of it, thats only my mothers side! LOL!

I could write one funny comedy about my life.

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medric, I got a lot of respect for you man, you keep on going even with all the sh*t you have to deal with.

Thanks, I have had alot to deal with my whole life, and this is only a very very small portion of it. If I cant write a comedy about my life, I should be able to convert it into a soap opra very easily, lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, here's another update:

Surgery date: February 1 (most likely)

Before I have the surgery, I have to got and have 2 pints of blood taken, as well as CAT scan(s). Then I'll be able to have the surgery. I will be laid up for 6-8 weeks, maybe more maybe less. During that time, I will be in the most unbearable pain in my life, but I'll be better off now, then later in life. Hopefully I can return to school around mid-late Arpil, and try to enjoy whatever of a senior year that I have left.

Happy Holidays all, and Merry Christmas!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. I have to have bloodword taken, which the first pint will be this upcoming thursday. I also have to go for a CAT scan, and a test to see how strong I am, for recovery time purposes only. My dad likes to brag about me because he claims that I have "Freakish Strength." He says that kids with normal strength dont pick up other kids and run around the gym with them and they dont pick up their 250lb+ fathers and dangle them 2ft off the ground (both things that I do, lol :) ). So, I'll be keeping in touch with you guys up until the day of the surgery, which I still have no idea when it is.

Thanks DJEagles11 for wishing me a good Christmas. Although it was a very poor Christmas, it was a good one. Because I had the time and opportunity to spend time with my family. I truely love them because for the most part, they are so supportive. I enjoyed being in their presence, rather then their presents.

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I respect you so much now. Good luck with the rest of the way, hope everything else turns out the way it should.

Well, thanks, but I dont know why anyone would respect me. Even since you only know me through the internet.

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Well, thanks. I have been like this for a long time. I believe that it is because I have let Jesus take controll of my life. I feel that whatever happens happens, and that it was his will. If I should die on that table during surgery, I will be a happy man. Because I have lived a good life that I have hoped has touched others in a way that they can help others. If I join the NAVY like I am thinking about doing, and if I should die in battle, I know that I have died trying to protect those that I love and respect, as well as those that I dont realy like so much.

My mother always said that I was her favorite child, because I have a heart bigger than the sea, which by the way that I live, I hope is true enough for others to see.

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Well, thanks. I have been like this for a long time. I believe that it is because I have let Jesus take controll of my life. I feel that whatever happens happens, and that it was his will. If I should die on that table during surgery, I will be a happy man. Because I have lived a good life that I have hoped has touched others in a way that they can help others. If I join the NAVY like I am thinking about doing, and if I should die in battle, I know that I have died trying to protect those that I love and respect, as well as those that I dont realy like so much.

My mother always said that I was her favorite child, because I have a heart bigger than the sea, which by the way that I live, I hope is true enough for others to see.

And you can also rhyme. lol

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