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If you want Madden 07 Early


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Just a tip if you are looking for Madden 07 for any system and live in the NYC northern NJ area you can go to a store called Fordham Game World in the Bronx and get the game now. They had all of the console copies in stock. The are located on Fordham Road in the Bronx. Just thought I would give you guys the heads up. PS open on Saturday unitl 7:30pm


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Illegal? What's the law that's broken here? I admit EA wouldn't be happy, but what specifically is the law that was broken?


well those games are considered time-relase (or time-sensitive) materials. I'm not exactly sure it's a LAW being broken - but it would be a contractual violation between EA and the store (or possibly the distributor and the store) so the store would be in trouble - yes.

As far as jimdawg being in trouble for pointing it out? Uh, no.

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I walked in and it was a the shelf. I asked and they sold it to me. As for any law remember this is New York, so I guess they don't follow directions very well. Anyway if you lived in the area you probably would go get it as well. Again this was a tip for my fellow metropolitans who might like to pick up the game early.

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Well, I found it for the PC in Wal-Mart. In plain sight, and advertised.

Yeah I just called Walmart and they said it's on the shelf and on sale. lol. Last year they kept pushing the release date back... THIS year? It comes out early and no one notices. lol.

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