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Filing Divorce from ESPN


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espn has become a joke. i don't know when, i think it was a gradual deteration. i think i stopped watching sportscenter in 2003 ish, when they became more about hype than about highlights. it seemed like half the show even then was about the yankees and the red sox, and more of a espn intrest story than what people wanted.

if it wasnt for the fan podcasts and blogs, i would be clueless on baseball this year, becuase espn only talks about hype and not the stories.

i only watch ath and pti on a regular basis now. espnews is still decent, but could be going the way of the stinker.

espn.com is slowly becoming a pay site, and it seems like they only promote the sexy series they like, and ignore everyone else. espn isn't good for sports news, i use yahoo now. their site is super slow and full of cheesy graphics, and it lacks of everything. it's like espn has become microsoft of sports, being bloated and full of nothing, and now alterntives have sprung up.

who wants an espn mobile phone? overprice and sponsonred by sprint? yuck. most people know that sprint is the worst phone service in the nation.

and don't get me started on this weekend's yankmees red sux mess. what a joke that turned out to be, and there were actual series happening elsewhere. i hope they don't overhype this series next month, with pennant races abound.

i wish someone can take these losers down at espn.

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Has ESPN shown more Red Sox/Yankees games than any other game, in any other sport? It seems that there will never be a good game on ESPN as long as the current owners have their way.

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apprently not. espn does not listen to their customers, but instead makes descions based on what they want.

espn reminds me of microsoft nowwdays...big, bloated and out of control. they both hold moloplies, and are trying to hold their fanbase before they go elsewhere. it hasn't happened with espn yet, but ms is sure getting it.

espn had innovation...apparently, it left years ago.

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See Cheap Seats is great. But the thing about the Sklar brothers is that they're funny beyond their show. Like they know their sports but they're also genuinely funny dudes. If you ever see them out of the sports element, they're still great. ESPN is lucky they have them and the sad part is they don't even know how to use them.

Oh yeah, I've seen those guys just doing stand up and they are hilarious but it's nice to have it corilated to sports. It just makes it that much more funny.

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espn has become a joke. i don't know when, i think it was a gradual deteration. i think i stopped watching sportscenter in 2003 ish, when they became more about hype than about highlights. it seemed like half the show even then was about the yankees and the red sox, and more of a espn intrest story than what people wanted.

if it wasnt for the fan podcasts and blogs, i would be clueless on baseball this year, becuase espn only talks about hype and not the stories.

i only watch ath and pti on a regular basis now. espnews is still decent, but could be going the way of the stinker.

espn.com is slowly becoming a pay site, and it seems like they only promote the sexy series they like, and ignore everyone else. espn isn't good for sports news, i use yahoo now. their site is super slow and full of cheesy graphics, and it lacks of everything. it's like espn has become microsoft of sports, being bloated and full of nothing, and now alterntives have sprung up.

who wants an espn mobile phone? overprice and sponsonred by sprint? yuck. most people know that sprint is the worst phone service in the nation.

and don't get me started on this weekend's yankmees red sux mess. what a joke that turned out to be, and there were actual series happening elsewhere. i hope they don't overhype this series next month, with pennant races abound.

i wish someone can take these losers down at espn.

true dat

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Wow, I so agree with this post. I've really stopped watching tv overall in general because it is such consumer/media crap. And yea, espn has gone down the drain along with all other tv programming.

I of course have to check espn.com to see what the newest news is and quickest updating scores believe it or not. But after I see the espn.com headlines its normally for weak a$$ insiders only, so I result to googling the topic and get the best article that way. (ESPN, takes their headlines and stories from local papers usually.)

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Wow, I so agree with this post. I've really stopped watching tv overall in general because it is such consumer/media crap. And yea, espn has gone down the drain along with all other tv programming.

I of course have to check espn.com to see what the newest news is and quickest updating scores believe it or not. But after I see the espn.com headlines its normally for weak a$$ insiders only, so I result to googling the topic and get the best article that way. (ESPN, takes their headlines and stories from local papers usually.)

Tsn.ca is the Canadian ESPN, however, it lacks the pay for the important stories catch, and actually has some useful information, if you're ever interested. (Not to mention a whole section dedicated to the CFL!)

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Thanks man, I'll definetly check it out. It's now one of my bookmarks :idea:

edit...i just checked em out on wiki.......sad to see that espn owns some of it, hopefully Bell Global Media will get smart and force a buyout.

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