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Hey, i dont want to be a pain in the *** but will MVP 06 be done before the end of the regular season, and if not, what updates should i use for the beta version to make it up to date, like uniforms, rosters and all that?

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1. most likely not and it really doesn't matter unless there is content in there that will be a big surprise.

2. just look to see what the latest rosters are from ultimate rosters or whatever, man. you can answer this by looking in the downloads section and seeing when the last update is.

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Don't ask about the release of Mvp 06 again. Thank you.

dude come on, you cant blame the guy. its been months with no words on whether they're even working on it still or what needs to be done. if im mistaken then im sorry.

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Actually, there have neen some updates. Krawhitham (the mkaer of the 06 project) recently suffered a masive power surge at his house and lost a lot of equipment. He has been fighting with his insurance company, among other things, so the release has been delayed.

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dude come on, you cant blame the guy. its been months with no words on whether they're even working on it still or what needs to be done. if im mistaken then im sorry.

Does the phrase "It will be ready when it's ready" mean anything to you? Do you have ANY idea of all the work and testing that such a mod involves?

Whether it be this mod, or mods for Flight Simulator, Unreal Tournament, or any other game, it's people like you, who constantly want to know when it will be ready, who actually slow things down by making the modders have to reply to such incessant questions.

Guess what? Those who visit this site regularly will know when it's done, er, when it's done.

Those who just can't wait must have been a real annoyance to their parents around Christmas, Easter, or whatever other holiday that was celebrated in the particular family.

And lastly...the version that is already out works like a charm. What's the big rush for the next one anyway?

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Does the phrase "It will be ready when it's ready" mean anything to you? Do you have ANY idea of all the work and testing that such a mod involves?

Whether it be this mod, or mods for Flight Simulator, Unreal Tournament, or any other game, it's people like you, who constantly want to know when it will be ready, who actually slow things down by making the modders have to reply to such incessant questions.

Guess what? Those who visit this site regularly will know when it's done, er, when it's done.

Those who just can't wait must have been a real annoyance to their parents around Christmas, Easter, or whatever other holiday that was celebrated in the particular family.

And lastly...the version that is already out works like a charm. What's the big rush for the next one anyway?

are you kidding me, i havent said a thing for like a month or two is that constantly? note i didnt ask when itll be out, i wanted an update on the progress of the mod. i know it takes a lot of work but it takes like 2 minutes to go on the site and make a little thread about the progress of this mod. no wonder theres people asking about the thing, nobody has heard anything about it. also i do visit this site reguraly, probably more than you, so dont give me schit about that. you are in no place to criticize me (like im a noob), thats reserved for people who been around longer than i have or have actually contributed something. i dont want to know when itll be out but how can people wait without knowing what they are specifically waiting for.

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calm down guys... From my understanding the big parts of the mod has already been released. Although not all in one file, you can download the updated portraits, audo, models, rosters, unis, and anything else. I think all thats left are kc's pwning loading screens and some frontend art stuff, just small things. But from my understanding, you already have access to the big updates the 06 mod has

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are you kidding me, i havent said a thing for like a month or two is that constantly? note i didnt ask when itll be out, i wanted an update on the progress of the mod. i know it takes a lot of work but it takes like 2 minutes to go on the site and make a little thread about the progress of this mod. no wonder theres people asking about the thing, nobody has heard anything about it. also i do visit this site reguraly, probably more than you, so dont give me schit about that. you are in no place to criticize me (like im a noob), thats reserved for people who been around longer than i have or have actually contributed something. i dont want to know when itll be out but how can people wait without knowing what they are specifically waiting for.


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are you kidding me, i havent said a thing for like a month or two is that constantly? note i didnt ask when itll be out, i wanted an update on the progress of the mod. i know it takes a lot of work but it takes like 2 minutes to go on the site and make a little thread about the progress of this mod. no wonder theres people asking about the thing, nobody has heard anything about it. also i do visit this site reguraly, probably more than you, so dont give me schit about that. you are in no place to criticize me (like im a noob), thats reserved for people who been around longer than i have or have actually contributed something. i dont want to know when itll be out but how can people wait without knowing what they are specifically waiting for.

If you visit the site as much as you say, then you should already know the update on MVP 06. Even if you haven't seen said updates (kraw's computer explosion), the Mods have made it very clear that we are not to ask about it.

Edam's and JoeyMcM gave you the response that should have answered your question. Download the beta, and any updates released after that that you feel are important, and guess what?...You have MVP 06.

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I happen to be in between and think it would be helpful if there was a little "90% done" bar on the home page, a thread where the people involved in the project post little updates that everyone gets a hard on over, or something like that, because it would probably save some of the moaning and complaining, and a lot of the questions.

Sure people should be smart enough to search for things, but it would save yourselves some time, by doing something like that, and it would save you the time of having to reply 500 times a day saying "dont ask again, it'll be done when its done, etc", or breaking up little ***** fights.

There is a happy medium between a top secret project that everyone argues about, and a blog on the project that is updated every 5 minutes with "just tested an at bat... strikeout".

It's well appreciated the work that's done on this, but occasionally it could be handled better.

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