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Does anyone here know FSHed? I imagine it is pretty easy but I'm going to be learning hex editing this week and would like to know if someone can take my .bmp image that I've recieved from another modder, simply resize the image and create the alpha image for it. That is it. Literally. I know it sounds too easy but it really would save me time. I thank you in advance for anyone "stepping up to the plate".

Now batting...

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If you feel you could do it, great.

I'm wondering bout this fshed method to see if it makes a better one than what people can do on their own. I'd appreciate it very much if you'd do it and if someone else steps up to the plate willing to do it with fshed so I can compare.

kgbbaseball, I'll send you a pm with the .bmp. Thanks in advance, Mo.

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I didn't give you misinformation, it was just a communication issue.

I assume the reason you want an alpha is because you need it for transparency for the generic faces facial hair, etc. FSHed can import a PNG which contains transparency, and it will keep that transparency, just like a BMP with an alpha. So you really don't need an alpha, because PNG's don't need them. It can even import psd's or psp's. Of course you need the graphic importer plugin for FSHed.

I just opened up a jersey, exported the "lace" file, which contains transparency, to a 32 bpp bitmap with FSHed. Then I opened it in Photoshop. I chose the channels tab and selected the alpha image while making it visible and I hid the RGB channels. The lace's alpha is white while its background is black. So I chose "Select-> Color Range" from the menu. I put fuzziness to 200 and clicked on the white part of the lace. After clicking OK, I had a nice selection around the visible part of the lace. I clicked on the RGB channel and hid the alpha channel and went back to the layers tab. I made sure the background was selected(the only layer), adn chose copy. Then I made a new document with a transparent background, and pasted the lace in. I saved it as a png and imported it with FSHed over the original lace and it had transparency. No need for alpha creation at all.

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