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Problem creating custom overlay...........


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The EA version for PS00, 01, 02, 03 shows (in the game and on FshED) that the area around the ball diamond and inside the diamond are blanked or "cleared" out with the exception of the 6th type pitch for PS03. Now here is the problem, when I open the pitchslc.fsh in the EA graphics editor for file PS00 (keep in mind the original pitchslc), it shows a white area with the inside of the diamond being black. When I save this and open it in paint shop it is white outside with black diamond. The FshED also shosw this.

Now I have downloaded the overlay that says Fox Sports net and the person that created that one was able to clear out the outside and inside the diamond. Do you know how that was done? There was also another file included in the download (ingame.big). Does that file have anything to do with being able to clear unwanted areas?

I am using FshED, EA Graphics Editor and Paint Shop Pro Ver 3 and Ver 8 which I just downloaded for trial use.

Thanks for those who can help. :banghead:

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