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I'm sure all of those questions will be answered in the "read me" or "how to" that will come with the download. Just be patient

That is all that is left, writing the damn readme file

When the 1st beta came out I said an upgrade would be released, I was wrong. I made an upgrade but it was HUGE, so I will not be releasing it.

The full mod is 350mb, an upgrade would be 288mb

No living large this time around either, sorry but it was a little over 800mb

a total of 16,483 files are in the mod, I **** you not

If someone want to set up a torrrent for this mod, more power to you as long as you use a site like http://www.legaltorrents.com

Thats all I got for now, off to do a &*^%$# readme file

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I don't think you can host it on legaltorrents as this mod would not be Creative Commons-licensed for obvious reasons that it contains material that's copyrighted and/or trademarks of MLB etc

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So how's this going to work? Is the file going to be hosted here if it is that huge? We all remember what happened the last time a beta version of the mod was released. I know Trues has made some improvements to the site since it was released but I can only imagine the site will be horribly slow or downright inaccessible for awhile. Hopefully there will be a ton of mirrors to prevent this.

With that said, great job Kraw! Kudos for you to getting this done after losing practically all of your electronics. Another person would have probably given up with those circumstances. I look forward to this and future versions.

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