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Creationism vs. Evolution


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acdcrocker6789 Wow! who has you doing this? You teacher? I teach biology and I go out of my way to avoid this debate in my classroom. I tell my students: Believe what you want and I will never try to talk you out of your beliefs but you will learn it or because you will be accountably for it on your state's standards test now or not graduate.

Homer813 well stated and JoshC77 good differentiation. It's not about proof or belief, it's about evidence. Theories are basicly a series of extremely well supported hypotheses and hypotheses are not just educated guesses(I hate that and wish grade school teacher would quit say it).

If you are debating in favor of Darwin's Theory of Evolution you have the luxury of presenting overwhelming amounts of evidence about evolutionary adaptation driven by natural selection, if you have to debate Intelligent Design you don't have much evidence to present. It is basicly Scientific observation (biology) vs. a leap of faith. Modification of speices through decent over time can be observed in a petri dish over a weeks time with bacterial colonies and an anti-biotic. My students do it as an experiment to learn the scientific method and lab reports so you don't even need to talk about fosils but it is kind of funny to hear their explanation for them. Here's some ideas for resources:


Origin of Species by Charels Darwin

Biology by Campbell and Reese (college level biology)


There are just too many to list!

(Not so)Intelligent Design (sorry, couldn't help it):

The Bible

Darwin's God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil

The Vanishing Proofs of Evolution

Darwin's Proof

The Triumph of Religion over Science

Talk with an educated theologist (priest, pastor, decon)

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That first paragraph doesn't make much sense does it. That's what I get for leaving then coming back and finishing.

One question I forgot to ask is it "Old World Creationism" or "Young Earth Creationism" there is a big difference and might help your debate.

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Can I post my homework here too? I do have actual homework and questions in Computer Architecture, and I figured, if you guys are doing homework on I.D., then maybe Computer Arch wouldn't fall too far from the tree.

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I recently thought about the whole evolution thing. And it came to me... some guy got so mad at a Christian that he dreamed up some crazy idea that everything came to be by some unbelievingly fluky mix of atoms and what not, that everything came to be. As I see it, the history of the world is so easy to find... read the Bible! It's just that easy. The Bible has no historical flaws, end of story. Did the sun stand still for no reason? (And various other Bible stories that could only have happened by the power of a heavenly being, God). I think it is so blatantly obvious, but still people just have to try find a reason to prove that the Bible and God are wrong. And now I can see you evolution-fanatics saying I am some preachy Christian that is so brainwashed that I cant think straight! Well, so be it. We all have a different point-of-view.

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"Did the sun stand still for no reason?" Um...sorry dude but I teach astronomy too (intro to astronomy and intro to Earth Science) and our star (the Sun) isn't still at all, it is moving through out galaxy very fast and we are moving around it. This is not theory or hypothisis anymore as it once was, we can see and measure the motion and the speed now. You can believe what you wish and I will respect that as long as you do the same for me. My belief: Religeon divides, Spirtuality unites. Kind of like Jesus saves....but Budda invests...Just kidding... Lets agree to disagree

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By the way Chares Darwin was a devout Catholic who found himself in conflict and could no longer ignore his observations. Stephen Hawking actually received the Pope Pius XI medal for his work on "singularity" (The Big Bang as a cynic once called it and the name stuck)

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Guys I think some people take the Bible to literally. Did adam and eve really exist? NO! The Bible is a guideline on how to live your life. You can't take everything it says literally. Adam and Eve was a story about not turning your back on God.

I think the creatonism is just a way to tell you that God is everything good in life. The sun is good, the air we breath are good, the animals are good because they provide us with food. I don't think God just took his finger, and pointed on Earth and started creating life. God is good, and everything is good in life. (in a sense).

Evolution did happen. It's a proven fact that it did.

I am a Christian, I pray to God, I beleive in him 200%. It's just that creationism did not happen. Just like the story of adam and eve.

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debate over

thank you

Shhh....don't tell Carl Everett...

"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Someone actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex."

When asked about fossils, Everett responded by saying that they were a man made hoax.

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A Christian that believes in evolution? I'm sorry, but that does not work! And no, evolution has not and never will be proven, just like the existance of God. People need physical proof, and neither side delivers.

Not touching that one ;)

Wow, what a debate...as has been mentioned many times, there is no right or wrong answer here. People will believe what they believe and that's fine by me. Count me on the Evolutionist side of things.

I actually had a 6 or 7 hour debate with my wife's best friend about this while drunk one time ;)

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I can disprove evolution right here, right now.

If evolution and carbon dating are really true, than the Earth is billions of years old, correct? Earth's magnetic field would be to strong.

"Scientific observations since 1829 have shown that the earth's magnetic field has been measurably decaying at an exponential rate, demonstrating its half-life to be approximately 1,400 years. In practical application its strength 20,000 years ago would approximate that of a magnetic star. Under those conditions many of the atoms necessary for life processes could not form."

Dr. Thomas Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso

This has been brought up over and over again, but not one evolution scientist wants to take this one on. EDIT: I would easily believe evolution if scientists could fill half of the holes in it. Evolution and Creation both require a great leap of faith, but as of right now I believe Creation takes less faith.

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Young Earth Ceationism (in a very simplified nut shell): not nut case..shell

The Earth is about 6000 years old (4-6-or 10000 I can't remember exactly)

God created everthing and it is as it was

Dinosuars were some species that were not allowed on the Arc (fossils)

Fossil record is not real nor accurate

Radioactive Isotope dating is wrong (carbon dating is one type)

Life does not change (anti-evolution)

Old Earth Ceationism (in a very simplified nut shell):

The Earth is 4.6 Billion years old (which it is)

God created all life

Dinosuars were some species of that life

Fossil record is real

But life does change with time (evolution)

Yes many Christians understand that evolutionary adaptation did and is occuring now. Why do you think everyone is worried about the Bird Flu mutating? Genetic mutation = evolution Viruses aren't even alive by definition but they carry DNA and evolve to perpetuate. Viruses, Bacteria, plants, us, what was our appendix for anyway? It used to have a purpose.

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Carbon-14 (C14) radiometric dating only works for things with carbon in them! Won't work on a chunk of iron-rich Basaltic rock for that we use uranium-lead radiometric dating with a half life of billions of years. Look it up or I could supply you with a list of half lives. They also use a certain potasium isotope and a whole list of other types of isotope half-lives to measure decay which gives us the age. Radiometric or radioactive Isotope half-life measurment is not a simple process and most don't understand it but they always refer to Carbon dating (Carbon-14 (C14) radiometric dating) as if it could tell us the age of the earth. This is not so, carbon decays quickly in geologic terms but uranium-lead radiometric dating has a very slow decay.

here's a good site for you http://www.gate.net/~rwms/AgeEarth.html

He is comparing magnetic field strength 1/2 life to Isotope half-life, related but differing concepts.

The Earth's magnetic field has reversed numerous times throughout the planets history as seen in Paleo-geology and the study of plate tectonics.

Scientists are currently working on and have developed some sound theories as to why it has flipped more in the last billion years, why it is fading and whether or not it is a precursor to another flip which won't (at least we hope) happen in our or your great, great grandkids lifetime. Global Warming and Glacial (ice ages) and Inter-Glacial (now) periods are part of the planets natural cycle! The reason some won't dispute "Dr. Thomas Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso" is because they aready, have numerous times! He is not the first to attempt this argument. I'm tiered and going to bed which is part of my natural cycle! Good-night

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Some of you guys have the coolest signiture pictures how did you get them to post? All I see is a text box for signitures in the profile section. I'm ok with photoshop so I can make the signiture pic (not as good as you guys tho) but I just couldn't figure out how to post it. Ask me about the science of rocks and I'm good, ask me about software and I feel like a frickin' rock. lol

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Some of you guys have the coolest signiture pictures how did you get them to post? All I see is a text box for signitures in the profile section. I'm ok with photoshop so I can make the signiture pic (not as good as you guys tho) but I just couldn't figure out how to post it. Ask me about the science of rocks and I'm good, ask me about software and I feel like a frickin' rock. lol

Yet another "sig" coming up that I will have to block with "AdBlock."

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