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This pretty wierd, but funny...


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Kerry kept talking about how bad Bush was and how he was doing some stupid things (he has done stupid things, we are better off with him than Kerry IMO) but he never talked about what he was gonna do about it. Or if he did, he would just change his mind, or commonly said about him, flip-flop.

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I agree, but in the past everyone's been able to have these talks without having the threads locked. Just make sure you guys keep it that way.

Bush = walking? What the freak???? lol.

Ok, since you use wacked out anologies, I ask you this- How far from work is the drive/walk. Lol. Strange analogy.

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If not political you idiot then why not do a movie and show bill Clinton getting his head cut off-would that be ok to you.

Well, Bill Clinton has not been president for 6 years as far as I know, so "Death of a Former president" probably wouldn't have the same shock value...

I don't think Bush Jr gets his head cut off in the BBC movie either so that's kinda beside the point

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I'm too young, and I've never lived in the US in ym ife, so looks lime I'm eliminated from that category. I probably wouldnt know who to vote or even if I could. I can tell you that I'd vote Paul Martin PM of Canada.

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Kerry kept talking about how bad Bush was and how he was doing some stupid things (he has done stupid things, we are better off with him than Kerry IMO) but he never talked about what he was gonna do about it. Or if he did, he would just change his mind, or commonly said about him, flip-flop.

WOW buddy you just beleive all the spin don't you. If you had bothered to listen to his speaches he out lined plans for medical care, leaving Iraq, the war on terror and far more.

I find it funny that Kerry was blasted for some of his ideas for the war on terror. Most of the time it was his demand to increase local and state police involvement that got him blasted the most, now Scotland Yard did just that and stopped another attack that might have been as bad as 911. And what do I see on TV but commercials claiming it was Bush's patriot act that allowed these terrorists to be captured

I mean W.T.F: A) it was local cops doing their everyday jobs, B) in was in ENGLAND and has nothing to do with us, but yet Bush is taking credit

durning the election all Bush did was say we be attacked again if Kerry won, the US was safer with him as leader. And If Kerry would have had balls he would have been screaming the last attack happen on Bush's GD watch

Kerry losing to bush is like having a normal person lose in the Special Olympics

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Kerry losing to bush is like having a normal person lose in the Special Olympics

Actually dude, and I speak from experience, many of the Special Olympics competitors are hardcore athletes and wouldn't have any trouble beating a normal person.


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