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Chavez calls Bush 'the devil'


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Isreal is using WW2 and other things in their past as an "excuse" to get away with everything.

If you even dare to say something bad about their actions, for example: Libanon, they brand you as jew-haters right away.

What happend in WW2 is very wrong, lets not forget that......but you'd expect Isreal to do what their (former) enemies did to them.

Um... that's why Israel has been able to survive all these years through the anti-semetism, because they're not dumb enough to want to get revenge in the same way as their enemies did. that's just stupid, and disgraceful. more than that, it's evil.

i am jewish, proud of it, but i would never ever want the things done in WWII to the Germans of WWII. Again, that's why such a small, puny state has been able to survive two thousand years with the whole world breathing down their neck.

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Hitler was elected as well-so that makes it ok -Youre an idiot-I'm tired of the Bush bashing-I'm tired of the Blame America first crowd-Why do so many people want to come here if this is such a bad place-Unemployment lower than when Clinton was in-the dow about to set an all time High-If you dont like this country get the hell out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hitler was elected as well-so that makes it ok"?! That's the biggest bs i've heard in a long time. so that makes it ok? Are you actually serious 100% when you say "that makes it ok"? So, there was no real problem with Hitler? No, not really, nothing wrong with him? Excuse me, i don't know who you are, but Hitler killed over 7 million people. I'm not going to describe the kind of torture Hitler put on people, because not only will it give me stomach aches, but it also makes it impossible to comprehend how somebody can do that to another human being. "That makes it ok". So that means you have nothing against Hitler? He was just somebody, just a ruler? Do you have any problem with someone killing people for no reason? I'm very glad to say that no one in my immediate family was affected - well, everyone was affected - but nobody died in my family because of WWII. But I know people, I do, in their 80s, who still have tattoos from concentration camps. Their parents were put in the gas chambers to die because of the family they were born into. I don't understand why people like you would say that. You might be tired of all this talk, but some people are dead because of "this talk".

America is also the greates country on earth, i'm not denying that. That's why I live there, it gives more freedom than any other country in the world, and it was the first to do that. And I'm proud to be an American. But you can't be just ignorant and say everything America does is right. That's what comes with a democracy - mistakes, and corrections. And, yes, people who "don't like this country" have already gotten the hell out. you don't need to worry about that.

Why can't people just shut up and be friends, geez...

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I was being sarcastic-that guy said Chavez was elected so it is ok what he does-I was pointing out the obvious-just because someone is elected doesnt mean they are ok-like Hitler.

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