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FuzzOne's Editor


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All right, here we go

I just posted up the 1966 Astros uniform

and this is the update


-Uniform editor/adder/remover thingy 2.0(finished)

-Song Title Changer 1.0(finished)

-Create A Team 1.0(finishing it up)

check my post in WORKS IN PROGRESS for details

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Hey Fuzz,

Anyway I might be able to get some sort of crude walkthrough regarding changing the song titles. I've read the readme file, but I'm not understanding what I need to do in order to change the song titles.

Specifically, this is where I'm stumped in the readme file:

"This also assumes you've clicked on start.exe and then MUSIC LISTING to open the application."

Although I wouldn't be surprised if I'm screwing something up prior to this also.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


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i dont read these posts anymore. please post any further questions in COMPLETED MODSfuzzMVP STUDIO COMPLETED

click on MUSIC LISTING...hmm, thats pretty much it. PICK THE SONG, change the NAME OF THE GROUP,NAME OF THE SONG, and the ALBUM THE SONG is on, and choose FEENG.LOC that is either unedited,or previously edited.(doesn't matter at this point, if you don't have one that's already edited--you'll get a message that tells you so.)

that's it. look in your C:WhereYouExtractedBin and copy over your FEENG.LOC and IGENG.LOC to your game directorydata folder

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