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Some advice please


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First off. Kudos to the great MODS who have made this game 100% better (ILF, etc.).

The game has a tad of stutter at times. Am I to understand that it could have to do with my audio card? I have a 2002 IBM computer with an ATI Radeon 9600 128MB video card. The sound card is stock.....

Intel® Integrated Audio, version 5.10.0000.3523, dated 8/17/2001.

I saw an Audigy sound card today for $79.99, forget the model type. I think it said 64 bit?

Anyways, any suggestions on a sound card under $100 that would be a step up? Or does it not really matter at all?

thanks for your suggestions.

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Its possible that a new sound card can lower studdering, but not nearly as much as a new video card, or more RAM. Having a true sound card with Hardware acceleration can take some load off the cpu. Integrated(On-Board) Audio means your cpu processor is doing all the audio calculations.

You need to ask some questions, though. Did you have studders with a fresh install with no mods at all? If the answer is yes, getting a new audio card might not solve the problem. However, if you play other games, you still might want to consider the upgrade.

If you want to upgrade your sound card, I suggest this - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16829102004 its and Audigy 4 for $72 plus shipping

Here's an ABIT RX800 OEM video card for $83 plus shipping(plain card, open-box, possibly no software or cables included). You would need an AGP slot for it, your Radeon 9600 could be PCI or AGP. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...82E16814123159R

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I've heard that it's the 2X Uniforms that are being used, but then I've heard alot of other things too. I however wouldn't worry about the audio card upgrade when you could get some more RAM or a new Video Card like pdub mentioned.

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Thanks guys. I have 762MB of RAM. So you think the video card I have needs upgrading?

The game seems to only stutter on throws across the infield to the firstbaseman. Seems it's happening just before the ball gets into the firstbasemans mitt.

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