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I am so lucky


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My Fall Ball league started Monday night, my 2nd at bat I already got hit by a pitch. Guy in front of me led the inning off with a walk, so the coach tells me if I can, try to bunt him over. First pitch I take, Strike 1. Second pitch I decide to try to bunt him over. I square around just as he releases it, 'Oh s***' I'm thinking, as the balls coming for my you know what area. (I'm a right handed batter). Keep in mind no cup. Luckily enough, the ball hits me in the upper right thigh. Out of all my years playing, I have never been injured, and in a situation like this I'm more then grateful. Let me tell you, this is the one time I'm glad I didn't bust a nut. :lol:

Which brings me to this, has anyone ever came close to injuring themselves badly?

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Playing legion baseball in Fairbury Nebraska in a night game. the pitcher is 6'6" and on a mound that was probably 15". This is 1971. He has long arms to boot-as he releases the ball I never see it-because it is released at the same level as the center field lights. I hear someone yell look out-last I remember until I wake up with both teams surrounding me at home plate-I look up and say-can I still play. I never realized that my nose was now under my right eye. The Dr. numbed it -put a long medal thing up my nose and push it back in place. He needed a pic of me from my mom to put it back the right way. Lucky I wasn't killed.Both of my eyes were blackened-and I had to carry a rag with me for a month because of the continual bleeding.But I continued to play after it healed and later got a scholarship to play college ball.

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During Pony League ball, and was playing third. Some guy slid in, and caught me with steel cleats in the upper right thigh. Hurt like hell. Had a bruise for about 2 weeks afterwards.

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I've got the topper for the crotch area stories, my friend was pitching and a screaming line drive ishit right back at him and it hits his cup, lucky right? not so lucky though, it hits the cup and the cup breaks in half and the ball hits him anyway. He goes down and has to go to the hospital and he tells me later that for about a 2 week span he had a cup shaped ring bruise around his crotch and that his "you knows" swelled up to the size of oranges.

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Last year, first game of the season (football) theres less than a minute left and we're up by 2 touchdowns. I get high-lowed and my knee cap has literally gone 180 degrees. I missed the entire season, bit I got to ride the ambulance.

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I am normally a catcher and oh man, that's a hard job. I once was hit in the throat on a foul ball. That hurt like hell and scared the crap out of me. I thought maybe it crushed my windpipe, but I'm still here.

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Ah man you have to be made of steel to take a ballshot. Because I'm a pitcher, there were many times where these knuckleheads would lean inside the strikezone when they would bunt and they were victims of my vicious two-seamer.

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...then again, I have been victim to the HBP. I took one right in the ribs, caught me when I was trying to catch my breath. I was ruined for weeks.

I didn't hide the injury like Pavano did though ! :twisted:

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missed a fly, hit the tip of my glove and then right below my eye. knocked me to the ground, no pain though; i didn't even realize i was bleedin until someone told me. had to go to the ER for some glue and x-rays, which showed no fractures. the incident is now evidence for friends and family that call me "hard headed"

i've been hit in the head as well (w/ batitng helmet on)

plenty of no -cup-narrow-miss stories

but what's worse, ducking a high ball only to forget to keep my bat low too. after the bonk and ump calling "foul ball" all i heard was laughter. so much sympathy...

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two near misses and a "show's over":

in little league, my achilles tendon was, in the words of the doctor, "a triple shy of snapping". was instructed to take a month off and everything healed back to normal.

two years ago, i'm pitching and hear the dreaded "pop" in the shoulder and, of course, it begins to hurt like hell. good news, rotator cuff not completely torn - just partial. bad news, the humeral head has developed a benign cyst and the bone is starting to split lengthwise. diagnosis - "you're done pitching".

present day the rotator cuff, after a year and a half of no activity, has healed without surgery. the bone shows reminants of the cyst and fracture but i have been cleared to lift weights again. pitching wise, i've been told to "cease and desist" and, since my fastball has gone down 20mph, i'll probably listen.

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I was assistant coach for our high school team and one of the outfielders who was also one of my favorite Bio students had the "tip of the glove" thing happen to him but he turned his face a bit and it fractured his orbital bone pretty good. He he ended up with a plate and screws. When I visted him after the surgery the first thing he asked me is if we had won, tough kid!!! I kept the ball that hit him, I had the team sign it then gave it back to him, figured it was better than a get well card. He thought that was pretty cool. I left the school the next year but I heard he was still playing.

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