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06 fix?


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I have three questions;

What's the 06 fix?

Where can i find it?

Does it work?

My game keeps freezing and I am willing to try anything. I heard this has worked for some people, but I can't seem to find. Any help would be great.

1. The 06 patch will fix known issues with the 06 mod.

2. When Kraw releases it then you will find it.

3. Yes

And there is already a thread for this.

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I can't even register at EAMods.com

Every time I try and register for about the last week now, I enter a user name, pw, e-mail addy and hit register and I always get the same damn thing.... Invalid User Name which doesn't make any sense.

I sent them an e-mail asking whats the matter with the register process but that was now a week ago and they've still not answered. There's something screwy with that site.

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