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Sean O's Lost Parks

Sean O

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Hey folks-

Going over some old threads, and through my hard drive, I'm starting to realize how many 50-90% parks I've worked on over the past year that were never released for various reasons.

The parks, and their completion percentage:

Baker Bowl (90%)

LA Coliseum v.3 (hard to judge)

Mile High Stadium (75%)

LA Wrigley (50%)

Classic Busch Stadium II (10%)

Comiskey Park (50%)

Now, there are a couple of options. The first, and my preferred option, is to get some enterprising modder to finish up the graphics on those parks that are closest to completion, which are in order 1). Baker Bowl, 2). Mile High, and 3). LA Wrigley. The modder could then take his or her time at adding the graphics, and polishing everything up to a usable state.

The second option is to simply release all the parks together in a "Lost Parks" pack, with the understanding that all of them are incomplete, with the hopes that someone in the future will take it upon themselves to add what was missing. Many of them have major graphical holes that haven't been patched up yet, and some probably have hidden walls that will cause random, crazy bounces.

The main downside of option 2 is that it clearly does not show me at my best, and so i'd have to swallow my pride to do it anyway. But in the hopes that someone would be willing, in the future, to make it whole could prove incentive enough.

I have a feeling people would rather just get the parks, no matter how horribly flawed, into their hands, but I would greatly prefer the first one. So let me know your feelings, and i'll do my best to help.


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i wouldn't mind taking a stab at one, just to help me get further aquainted with OEdit. I'm a complete novice when it comes to OEdit, but wouldn't mind trying to figure it out while helping complete one of these.

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Well, I just posted Baker Bowl, which is probably about 85-90% done on second viewing. The biggest requirements are 1). graphics, 2). changing the chain link above the wall to alphablend, and 3). polishing oedit and the crowds.

Best of luck to anyone who wants to give it a shot.

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