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Uni modders please help

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I have created my own set of unis for MVP, but I have a problem with the hhlm.fsh file, When I edit it, in the game it looks like my catcher is wearing a knight's helmet, and you can't see his face, also, how do you change the numbers on the jersey to match my own creations? I want the tigers number script, but keep getting expos red and blue number script.

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you need to create a transparensy for the helmet, and import it using gfxpak,

use fshed to and open any fxxx.fsh file to import numbers.

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Use nfshtool.exe to extract all bmp files. Then select the one that corresponds to hml.fsh (you should do the same with llod.fsh) and edit it. I usually work with eagraph, expoting to png (never to bmp with eagraph). Then when everything is done, exept llod and hml, I use nfshtool.exe to extract the files, compose llod and hml, if needed, with the new pictures and later rebuild the file without loosing transparency (alpha files, the bmp's with '-a' at the end).

You can find nfshtool.exe to download right here, and if you don't know how to start working with it, look for my template kit by clicking HERE and in the text file you'll find some instructions to start using nfshlool.exe. You don't even need to download the kit, just reading the text file will help you to figure out how to add nfshtool as a graphic modding tool. Ignore the resizing steps if you're working with standard size pictures.

In case you already have a damaged catcher file (no alpha channel for the helmet), use nfshtool.exe to open any other working file, locate it's catcher helmet alpha channel, rename it to match the damagged one and replace it before rebuilding the fsh file.

I hope it's usefull.

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Thanks UMachines, but how do you find the catcher's alpha image? Does every team come with one, or is it one universal file? Also could you tell me how to get the numbers on my jersey, for example, i created a team to replace the expos, well the tigers have the perfect numbers for my team so how is that done?

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Well, NFSHTOOL is, in fact, much easier to use than EAgraph, despiting that it´s a command line application and you´ll have to do a trick to integrate it to Windows shell. It just creates a new folder named after the fsh file and you can open and edit any of those files. Then just open a file called index.fsh (with NFSHTOOL too) inside the same folder and you´ll have your new uniform with no transparency problen. BTW try not to touch alpha (-a) files. all picture files have different names for every uniform when unpacked, the only one that never changes is llod file (always 000.bmp and 000-a.bmp). So, to replace dammaged catcher helmet alpha channel from another uniform, it´s almost sure you´ll have to rename the file, in order to not erase a sleeve or shoe, who knows.

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One quick question Umachines... So I can take all the bmp's I've extracted from 027a.fsh and redo them the way I would for eagraph, stick them back in by following your tutorial, and if I don't touch the alphas, but redo the hhlm files will it show up transparent or still like the way I've had it before?

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1) If you left untouched the alpha channel for hml, or replaced it with any other working one, you can do any change to the fullcolor helmet picture and it will keep its transparency when rebuilt.

2) Remember you have to open the file called index.fsh with nfshtool.exe, when all changes are done, to rebuild the file. Then exit the auxiliar folder and open the *.fsh file to see your changes with EAgraph, if you want to check it. It's a good Idea to backup or zip the original FSH file before rebuilding, as nfshtool rebuilds it without asking or warning. Then, only when you think the edited FSH file is OK, you can import it back to the game using EAgraph's Importing Wizard, or gfxpak.exe (the same tool used to install most of graphic mods). An easy way to do this is opening any of my 'safer' installers and replacing all the file names inside it for the ones you have prepared, then put it all in the game folder, pray and run the batch.

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