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Could you react on a 90 MPH Fastball?


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I actually faced 90 mile per hour pitching in college ball-I rarely hit it. I did on a few occasions get a few hits-but rarely.

Well, I guess couldn't hit a real 90 MPH fastball either. And this "mini game" only tests, if you could react in time, which doesn't mean you'd gt a hit, or make contact with the ball at all.

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I faced Chad Billingsley when he played for Defiance in High School. Good Lord. I also faced some guy from Danville, VA that threw 95 (played at Danville Braves stadium and they had gun working) Anyways I either walked or k'd on Chad and I got around on the other guy but got jammed and had a swollen hand for 2 weeks. Right where the hand makes a v shape between the thumb and pointer finger.

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i'm the fastest man alive!! :D don't know why i clicked when i did - farted or something - but i thought getting 0.000 was pretty funny. wouldn't that be a swing and a miss though since technically i reacted 0.2 seconds before the ball got there?


lol, thats funny. My best was 0.3160

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Lol the first time I did it, the animation never started...so I sat there an waited. When I finally clicked something, it said my swing time was 7.3 seconds.

Luckily the next time it corrected itself, so I didnt feel like I had the reaction time of a 90 year old :)

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Lol the first time I did it, the animation never started...so I sat there an waited. When I finally clicked something, it said my swing time was 7.3 seconds.

Luckily the next time it corrected itself, so I didnt feel like I had the reaction time of a 90 year old :)

heh...same thing happened to me as well - except i was dumb enough to wait 22 seconds before i clicked... :stone:

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Funny, I never thought 90 was that big a deal. I routinely faced 90-93 in college as at least 1 stud pitcher was on each team in the conference. I faced Kirk Dressendorfer (From UT) throwing 96 (in 1990) and got a hit off him by total accident...I was just trying to get out of the way. I could see the ball leave his hand...then I saw it cross the plate. Between there, I never saw it. 3 times I was up there and it was the same every time. I guess my eyes just topped out at 93.

I like the lil game though!

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  • 2 months later...

Fun, but wouldn't hitting of a real pitcher throwing 90 be easier, in the sense that you can see his wind up, and in this you can't. With the wind up you have a better sense of when the ball is going to start moving.

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