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DALLAS (AP) - Flamboyant Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens tried to kill himself by overdosing on pain medication, even putting two more pills into his mouth after a friend intervened.

A Dallas police report released Wednesday morning said Owens told his friend "that he was depressed." Details of the report were first released by WFAA-TV.

The friend, who is not identified in the report, "noticed that (his) prescription pain medication was empty and observed (Owens) putting two pills in his mouth," the police report said.

The friend attempted to pry them out with her fingers, then was told by Owens that before this incident he'd taken only five of the 40 pain pills in the bottle he'd emptied. Owens was asked by rescue workers "if he was attempting to harm himself, at which time (he) stated, `Yes."'

Owens was hospitalized late Tuesday because of what his publicist said was an allergic reaction to pain medicine he was taking for a broken hand. Doctors reportedly tried to induce vomiting.

Owens is recovering from a broken right hand he hurt a week ago Sunday. He had an operation the next day to have a plate screwed in, enabling the bone to heal without being further injured. Dallas

Cowboys coach Bill Parcells said last week that the pain medicine made Owens ill.

The Cowboys were off this past weekend and Owens was back at practice Tuesday, although he worked out on his own. Parcells said

Owens' hand was improving and he was expected back on the practice field Wednesday. Owens chatted briefly with reporters in the locker room Tuesday afternoon and seemed fine.

Owens, one of the league's top receivers during his 11-year NFL career, is best known for wild stunts on the field and other publicity-seeking antics off it.

When the Cowboys signed him to a $25 million, three-year deal in March, they said their background checks indicated no red flags. In fact, team consultant Calvin Hill — who mostly deals with troubled players — said during training camp that his department was not involved with Owens because he didn't have a history of those kinds of problems.

Dallas police officials said they were planning a news conference later Monday, but did not immediately release a time. A hospital spokeswoman said early Wednesday there was no patient registered as Terrell Owens, although federal privacy laws allow people to block their name from being released.

Owens' publicist and agent, and the Cowboys, did not return repeated calls from The Associated Press. No teammates or Cowboys officials were seen entering the hospital late Tuesday night.


Apparently, T.O. was attempting suicide.

What are your thoughts guys?

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well, you beat my post by minutes

from my post: Have we not learned anything from his antics, yet? Honestly, I think it's T.O. being T.O. until I hear more about it. I think he's been in talks with Pete Carroll and Lendel White about publicity stunts.

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I've been watching Mike and Mike In the Morning for the past Four Hours, and actually fell asleep. As I was sleeping, I was hearing them speak about this, and as they were describing it, I was actually having images of T.O, as if I were there. Anyways, to tell you the truth, it is disturbing. He could easily either be lieing, or still have the effects of the adverse reaction. It's not smart to make such an early assumption of what he did. I wouldn't be suprised at all, if all of this is absolutely nonsense.

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My response to that is, he is arrogant, flamboyant, and a controversial guy. This either might be nonsense, or can be that he's actually through, he needs help, literally, he does but it's hard to see what he was actually thinking. Expect this topic to be discussed all week, I know ESPN will be on it, they have been on it for 4 hours already, even when the report was just an "adverse reaction to pain killers".

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because money doesnt buy happiness.... this guy isnt even married is he? if hes got that much money at 34 and not married... you know somethings wrong with him...

If I were a woman, I would not marry him, except fpr the money, maybe. :whistle:

You're right that somethng is wrong, T.O. should think about this. He's kind of megalomaniac. Doesn't he ask himself, why (nearly) nobody likes him?

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I think he's been in talks with Pete Carroll and Lendel White about publicity stunts.

Really? I never knew this, but then again I don't follow what this dumbass does on a daily basis.

because money doesnt buy happiness....

I hear this a lot. I mean I really hear people say this a lot. But I'll tell you what, if you give me Owens' money, I'll be more happier than I am now. Because if I had it I wouldn't have tried to pop pills and pull the crap he did.

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I'm a little surprised by some of the comments (I will admit that it appears to be a minority) in this thread.

Let me try to get this straight: Because TO is an "egomaniac", an "***", is "rich", and has "nothing" to worry about, there's a. no reason for him to be suicidal and or b. this is probably a publicity stunt?

a. As was mentioned earlier, money does not buy and does not eliminate things one has to worry about. If anyone truly believes this, they themselves will learn this truth one day and it may be very painful--God-willing it doesn't lead them down the road of suicide. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there has been accounts that TO lived a brutal life as child? Could this have started a pattern of depression? Who knows? But it's nothing to take lightly.

b. Although TO does have a history of on- and off-field antics, suicide is nothing to take lightly, no matter what or who the person is or has done, especially in the case of TO who, to my knowledge, has never inflicted any harm on anyone. Regardless, I feel that this is a "wait and see" issue...I'll be praying that everything is OK with him.

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Really? I never knew this, but then again I don't follow what this dumbass does on a daily basis.

I hear this a lot. I mean I really hear people say this a lot. But I'll tell you what, if you give me Owens' money, I'll be more happier than I am now. Because if I had it I wouldn't have tried to pop pills and pull the crap he did.

Y4L, honest question: have you ever known anyone who has committed suicide? If so, what was their financial position?

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I hear this a lot. I mean I really hear people say this a lot. But I'll tell you what, if you give me Owens' money, I'll be more happier than I am now. Because if I had it I wouldn't have tried to pop pills and pull the crap he did.

Y4L, do you have a group of friends you are close with you can go to for support? Do you have a family that loves you? I could ask many more questions, because I bet you the answer to all your questions would be "yes."

Just because you think Terrell Owens is a terrible person, because of what the media makes him out to be, doesn't mean he is one... Terrell Owens is still a person, he still has the feelings of me, you, and everyone else on this forum...

There are some things I don't agree that T.O. should have done, including this one.... but we should still keep him in our prayers because he is still a human being...

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Y4L, do you have a group of friends you are close with you can go to for support? Do you have a family that loves you? I could ask many more questions, because I bet you the answer to all your questions would be "yes."

Just because you think Terrell Owens is a terrible person, because of what the media makes him out to be, doesn't mean he is one... Terrell Owens is still a person, he still has the feelings of me, you, and everyone else on this forum...

There are some things I don't agree that T.O. should have done, including this one.... but we should still keep him in our prayers because he is still a human being...

Agreed, Big Dom. I feel the exact same way. My prayers are with him.
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Y4L, do you have a group of friends you are close with you can go to for support? Do you have a family that loves you? I could ask many more questions, because I bet you the answer to all your questions would be "yes."

Just because you think Terrell Owens is a terrible person, because of what the media makes him out to be, doesn't mean he is one... Terrell Owens is still a person, he still has the feelings of me, you, and everyone else on this forum...

There are some things I don't agree that T.O. should have done, including this one.... but we should still keep him in our prayers because he is still a human being...

Well when you put it that way BigDom, I see your point of view.

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y4l, i too would like to know if you know anyone who has committed suicide... i only personally know two people, and both of them were extremely wealthy... something to think about....

im not what you would call filthy rich, but my parents do real well and we are extremely comfortable... but having things doesnt make me happy... its people... fortunately ive got great friends... but a gy like terrell owens, people just want his money... they arent really interested in him as a person because, frankly, hes a baby.... so i dont blame them...

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y4l, i too would like to know if you know anyone who has committed suicide... i only personally know two people, and both of them were extremely wealthy... something to think about....

im not what you would call filthy rich, but my parents do real well and we are extremely comfortable... but having things doesnt make me happy... its people... fortunately ive got great friends... but a gy like terrell owens, people just want his money... they arent really interested in him as a person because, frankly, hes a baby.... so i dont blame them...

I guess what I mean to say is that with Terrell Owens being a millionaire he doesn't have to worry about financial matters at all. That right there is a huge advantage he has over mostly everyone. If his car breaks down and needs a repair and it costs a hell of a lot more then you expect, he can pay it with no problem. If his furnace goes, he can repair it without thinking about the cost. That's what I meant about having a lot of money can make you happy.

But without a good family it does mean nothing. That is how I am richer than Terrell Owens. My family is very supportive of me and they are always there without demanding anything.

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Terrell has always been a very emotional guy. Usually, his emotions cause him to make an *** out of himself, but we've seen his early days with the 49ers when he damn near broke down after having a day full of dropped passes, only to catch the game winner against Green Bay.

I know the guy is a publicity magnet, but there may be underlying emotional reasons that we're not aware of as to why he craves as much attention as he does. Just speculation.

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DALLAS (AP) - Flamboyant Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens tried to kill himself by overdosing on pain medication, even putting two more pills into his mouth after a friend intervened.

A Dallas police report released Wednesday morning said Owens told his friend "that he was depressed." Details of the report were first released by WFAA-TV.

The friend, who is not identified in the report, "noticed that (his) prescription pain medication was empty and observed (Owens) putting two pills in his mouth," the police report said.

The friend attempted to pry them out with her fingers, then was told by Owens that before this incident he'd taken only five of the 40 pain pills in the bottle he'd emptied. Owens was asked by rescue workers "if he was attempting to harm himself, at which time (he) stated, `Yes."'

Owens was hospitalized late Tuesday because of what his publicist said was an allergic reaction to pain medicine he was taking for a broken hand. Doctors reportedly tried to induce vomiting.

Owens is recovering from a broken right hand he hurt a week ago Sunday. He had an operation the next day to have a plate screwed in, enabling the bone to heal without being further injured. Dallas

Cowboys coach Bill Parcells said last week that the pain medicine made Owens ill.

The Cowboys were off this past weekend and Owens was back at practice Tuesday, although he worked out on his own. Parcells said

Owens' hand was improving and he was expected back on the practice field Wednesday. Owens chatted briefly with reporters in the locker room Tuesday afternoon and seemed fine.

Owens, one of the league's top receivers during his 11-year NFL career, is best known for wild stunts on the field and other publicity-seeking antics off it.

When the Cowboys signed him to a $25 million, three-year deal in March, they said their background checks indicated no red flags. In fact, team consultant Calvin Hill — who mostly deals with troubled players — said during training camp that his department was not involved with Owens because he didn't have a history of those kinds of problems.

Dallas police officials said they were planning a news conference later Monday, but did not immediately release a time. A hospital spokeswoman said early Wednesday there was no patient registered as Terrell Owens, although federal privacy laws allow people to block their name from being released.

Owens' publicist and agent, and the Cowboys, did not return repeated calls from The Associated Press. No teammates or Cowboys officials were seen entering the hospital late Tuesday night.


Apparently, T.O. was attempting suicide.

What are your thoughts guys?

Obviously we are looking at a very unstable/disturbed individual...years of unstable behavior, not just this incident. If I am reading the report correctly though, this is one of those "cries for attention/help" suicides more than it is actually wanting to die. Its like when my ex-girlfriend swallowed 10 aspirin in an attempt to kill herself. Only thing 10 aspirin is going to do is kill your stomach. If he only took 5 of the 40 pills, the only damage he is probably doing is to his liver or stomach. Suicide is usually not a public display either. (Unless they WANT to be talked out of it) Putting two pills in his mouth when his friend was there was pure drama.

A person who really wants to kill themselves, would find a way. I am not saying the man does not need help....because even before this incident it was obvious he did.

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