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Disturbing News?


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Really? I never knew this, but then again I don't follow what this dumbass does on a daily basis.

I hear this a lot. I mean I really hear people say this a lot. But I'll tell you what, if you give me Owens' money, I'll be more happier than I am now. Because if I had it I wouldn't have tried to pop pills and pull the crap he did.

I think alot of times money also buys lonliness. It does buy immediate elation however that wears off.

When people start seeing you only as money, as what you can buy, what you can give them, thats not a good place to be. It naturally though depends on your personality, and how you act/deal with having the money.

Without making a judgement or professing to know anything outside of what is reported regarding TOs nature, his flamboyancy and arrogance displayed to the national media is probably congruent with his nature in his personal life. Hence he lives the life of a typical (or maybe worse) sports star. Fast cars, groupies, alcohol, perhaps some drug use....not exactly building relationships. But his money enhances his ability to do this...which only feeds the problem. No one "stays". There isn't anyone who he deems really loves him...And the vicious cycle goes on and on....

I love when its psychological profile time! Who's next? :)

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If I am reading the report correctly though, this is one of those "cries for attention/help" suicides more than it is actually wanting to die. Its like when my ex-girlfriend swallowed 10 aspirin in an attempt to kill herself. Only thing 10 aspirin is going to do is kill your stomach. If he only took 5 of the 40 pills, the only damage he is probably doing is to his liver or stomach. Suicide is usually not a public display either. (Unless they WANT to be talked out of it) Putting two pills in his mouth when his friend was there was pure drama.

I think you're reading it wrong. I think the article says he had taken 5 of the 40 pain-pills as scheduled. And then he emptied the bottle during this incident. Meaning 35 pills.

But I always wonder where all these details come from anyway. I'm sure we'll find out something more concrete later on. If this thing hasn't been way overblown already.

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What an asshole. Seriously. This guy has one of the greatest priviledges on Earth. To be a professional athlete. And here he is, trying to kill himself. I guess life is just so hard for him isn't it? Didn't he think of his family? How selfish is that? What if he actually succeeded? Great, now his family would be upset for years because their relative just swallowed a bunch of pills. There are deathly ill people out there, that WISH they could have another chance at life, and this bozo is gonna throw his away.

You know how many people would kill to be a pro athlete? And here he is, throwing it all down the drain. In my opinion, suicide is NEVER the right solution. Unless of course, you have a terminal illness and you know for a fact that you're going to die, and you just can't handle the pain anymore. What pain does this guy have? Finger pain? Please, this guy is a joke. I'm sorry if anyone knows anyone that comitted suicide, but I just don't think suicide is the answer (with that one exception I made.)

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What an ****. Seriously. This guy has one of the greatest priviledges on Earth. To be a professional athlete. And here he is, trying to kill himself. I guess life is just so hard for him isn't it? Didn't he think of his family? How selfish is that? What if he actually succeeded? Great, now his family would be upset for years because their relative just swallowed a bunch of pills. There are deathly ill people out there, that WISH they could have another chance at life, and this bozo is gonna throw his away.

You know how many people would kill to be a pro athlete? And here he is, throwing it all down the drain. In my opinion, suicide is NEVER the right solution. Unless of course, you have a terminal illness and you know for a fact that you're going to die, and you just can't handle the pain anymore. What pain does this guy have? Finger pain? Please, this guy is a joke. I'm sorry if anyone knows anyone that comitted suicide, but I just don't think suicide is the answer (with that one exception I made.)

Tell that to any famous person that ever committed suicide....

on a side note, they are now trying to say it wasn't a suicide attempt.... but where'd all his pills go :gack:

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Anyone who says he deserves to go into the HOF is wrong. He can put up all the stats he wants in his NFL career, however as good as an athlete you are on the field, when the game is over, you are still an athlete and an NFL employee. I will always remember T.O. for his off the field antics than what he does on the field, seriously.

Oh, and for the one hour dedicated sports coverage on ESPN about HIM and ONLY HIM.

Now, Pete ROSE on the other hand...

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Alright, all of this is absolutely bullshit ... I cannot believe this whole morning, is non-stop T.O. news/insight. I'm just sick, I'm about to take a nap and wait for Pedro's start. As for HOF, he is not a Hall of Famer. His off-field antics are evidence.

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Alright, all of this is absolutely bullshit ... I cannot believe this whole morning, is non-stop T.O. news/insight. I'm just sick, I'm about to take a nap and wait for Pedro's start. As for HOF, he is not a Hall of Famer. His off-field antics are evidence.

in defense of the HOF (not TO), it is reserved for those who played the best, not what they did off the field. still not HOF worthy

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in defense of the HOF (not TO), it is reserved for those who played the best, not what they did off the field. still not HOF worthy

So you're saying Pete Rose should be in the HOF...

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He knew what he was doing. He was hurt and the headlines had shifted away from him for a while but I garuntee all SC will be about for the rest of the week is T.O. and how Stephen A. Smith feels that everyone is too mean to the greatest player ever.

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T.O. being T.O. And you know what the sad part about this? The message we all got from this entire incident is that all people care about is money. T.O.'s publicist basically said T.O.'s biggest reason for living is 25 million dollars.

And the Parcells press conference was FUNNY!

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Let me explain something to you guys. TO could very well be suffering from depression. Clinical Depression is a mental illness. It isnt caused by financial, social, or any general situation. Its the same as bipolar, hysteria, or schizophrenia. Any further argument that TO is famous or has boat loads of money would be pointless. I hope this post has improved your knowledge of the subject matter.

NOTE: This is if the suicide attempt is in fact true.

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Let me explain something to you guys. TO could very well be suffering from depression. Clinical Depression is a mental illness. It isnt caused by financial, social, or any general situation. Its the same as bipolar, hysteria, or schizophrenia. Any further argument that TO is famous or has boat loads of money would be pointless. I hope this post has improved your knowledge of the subject matter.

NOTE: This is if the suicide attempt is in fact true.

He didnt. He had an "allergic reaction". This thing was just one big joke that brought attention to T.O. and just made Parcells look 5 years older. Parcells really should think about quitting, he's too old for this crap.

And all of a sudden the police reports are all wrong? The cops and EMT's all just made up a bunch of stuff to make it sound like T.O. wanted to kill himself? What the hell is up with that?

This things is pathetic, its hard for me to feel sorry for T.O. even if his life was endangered, as cruel as that sounds.

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like i said in the other thread. sports has changed a WHOLE lot these days. in the old days DALLAS would've NEVER signed him after he defaced the star. i'm a 9ers and raiders fan and even though we've sucked hard for the last few years i celebrated the day that dude left the bay.

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