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I've Got A New Project, but Need some Help.


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Hey all,

I've been away form this for a bit actually playing the game again and I absolutely love it with the datefiles, rosters, unis and portraits I've downloaded and made. There is however one more thing that has been bothering me and I would like to fix it. Faces. Especially on my BlueJays. Kerry Ligtenberg for instance, no hair, no sideburns...what the....

So I've decided with my portraits finished at least for now, I'm interested in learning to mod facepacks. I have a few questions. I have most the required programs I've been able to find out I needed through other thread, but would love it if someone that knows exactly what I need would post links so I can find them, eg appz, as I can't find it for the life of me. Also, anyone interested in giving me a crash course in this so I can get started? Rolie?? KC?

Also, is it possible to create a whole new facepack if the player doesn't already have one, or only edit existing ones? If so, in theory I could use faces for players no longer in the game with TotalMinors, and reassign them (if there are any not used)?

I'll be playing around with this until I figure it out, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Cheers, LeVeRRe

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Hey all,

I've been away form this for a bit actually playing the game again and I absolutely love it with the datefiles, rosters, unis and portraits I've downloaded and made. There is however one more thing that has been bothering me and I would like to fix it. Faces. Especially on my BlueJays.

And Marquis Grissom, Pedro Feliz and Miguel Cabrerea

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Hey all,

I've been away form this for a bit actually playing the game again and I absolutely love it with the datefiles, rosters, unis and portraits I've downloaded and made. There is however one more thing that has been bothering me and I would like to fix it. Faces. Especially on my BlueJays. Kerry Ligtenberg for instance, no hair, no sideburns...what the....

So I've decided with my portraits finished at least for now, I'm interested in learning to mod facepacks. I have a few questions. I have most the required programs I've been able to find out I needed through other thread, but would love it if someone that knows exactly what I need would post links so I can find them, eg appz, as I can't find it for the life of me. Also, anyone interested in giving me a crash course in this so I can get started? Rolie?? KC?

Also, is it possible to create a whole new facepack if the player doesn't already have one, or only edit existing ones? If so, in theory I could use faces for players no longer in the game with TotalMinors, and reassign them (if there are any not used)?

I'll be playing around with this until I figure it out, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Cheers, LeVeRRe

From what I know, you cannot produce a new face. :cry:

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Thanks, I found that out just after I posted this. However, I'm sure that some of the players no longer in the TotalMinors set had to have had faces assigned to the, maybe some of the veterans. So I think I'm gonna see if I can find out how many, and if there are enough no longer used, I'll make Jays out of them. Ligtenberg is really pissing me off. I mean come on the guy is very....let's say unique looking and we're given a generic face, no facial hair or long hair. I must recitfy this situation. Being a fellow jays fan, I'm sure you'll understand. Also, I like what you've done with your Halliday face, who new he had black hair (geeez EA).

I've been messing around with OEdit and think I now know enough to get started on some of these although the verticies are a bit tricky. I'll keep yah posted.

Cheers, LeVeRRe

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anyways, it is good to know that cyberfaces have intrest again. I thought intrest in cyberfaces was officialy killed be KKK wood 34 in THIS thread. I'm sure they will turn out great considering the skill put into levrre's portraits. Speeking of that thread, you think after you figure this out, you could finish the long lost abandoned Cubs Cyberfaces that BartW started and the KKK wood killed. I'm sure if the rebirth of that project would warm the hearts of many souls to celebrate the banning of KKK Wood 34. Thanx again for filling the void in cyberface modding :mrgreen:


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hey all,

here's where it stands. I'm getting the hang of this editting thing, however making new faces from scratch is actually a lot more difficult than i thought. I'll keep at it, and see what i can do. My priority here is the Jays since I love the underachieving bastads. Oh well. Other faces hopefully will follow.

thanks kraw, I made the same discovery earlier tonight as well, and made a list of the 40 blank faces that could be used for cyberface additions and here they are;

58, 132, 134, 136, 149, 161, 169, 177, 262, 322, 340, 342, 345, 347, 349, 351, 364, 366, 369, 397, 403, 408, 409, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 472, 479, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490. That should be all 40 i found.

So I'll be using those slots for my faces, so we don't have to write over any existing faces.

I'll keep everyone posted, but no promises on this one as I may be in over my head here.

Cheers, LeVeRRe

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