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updated graphics?...


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if u could just tell me what the specs are i'd be happy to tell ya lol

1. PC CPU speed

2. Amount of RAM

3. Video card model (and on-board memory)

For example, I have a PC with a 2.8 Ghz Pentium IV CPU, 1 Gb of RAM and a Radeon 9600 Pro video card with 128 Mb of memory.

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Example no. 2

2.2 gigahertz speed of PC, but I have a dual core PC so that is super fast

1.5 gigs of ram

x1600 video card with 512mb of ram. I think.

My PC also makes coffee for me in the morning.

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Resolution seems to make a big difference I noticed. It looks lousy at 800x600, but anything at 1024x768 or higher looks pretty clean. It is easy to overlook that since it is located at bottom of menu for graphic options and you have to scroll down to find it before you start a game.

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