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No joke, please help!


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Quite a while back..can't remember exactly when, a man decided that he needed something to craft his art from. He used a stone, or the breakoff from a boulder.

As humanity learned of this practice and evolved, they wondered if it was possible to do this where there was no boulders or stones at hand. Thus, a mighty new invention was created.



Not a particularly complicated device. It's a damn cockroach, kill it and move on.

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I once slept over at a friend's house years ago and a roach crawled in his ear while he was asleep and got stuck! He jumped up screaming his head off, and we had to take him to the emergency room to get the roach removed. True story.


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Go rent or buy Creepshow (1982) and watch the short story called "They're Creeping Up On You"

My wife now hates you. Because your reference made me pull out my copy of Creepshow, the second crappiest movie I own. And after I watched that, I of course had to watch the crappiest, my perennial favorite, Cabin Boy.

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I have the same fear except with bees. I feel for you man. Except I've never ever even seen a live roach. Tons of bees here though.

Yea, we dont get many roaches in Mississauga. I think the only two times I've ever seen a live roach was once in Palm Springs CAL, and once when I moved my B-Ball net off the grass it was on and onto the pavement. Yes, they are gross. AND THE BEES!! GO AWAY! I hate them with a firey passion. I ride tranist everyday to school, and a bee was on the bus once (accually 4 times, and all four had the same outcome) and I made it my mission to kill that SOB ASAP, and so I waited about 30 minutes for it to land beside me, and then... BOOM! Hit it with a shoe, and I could not have been any happier.

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