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Another lagging problem


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I never had an issue with lagging until about a week ago. I installed KG's beta rosters (though I would doubt that those are the issues) and then I noticed a slight lag in the game. I took em out cause of dynasty issues, and then went back to UR 8.0. I am currently (and was then) playing on MVP 06, and I installed KC's 1x uniforms so that way lagging would not be an issue. That didn't help, so now I seek help. My computer is running fine, so I am guessing that this is a video card problem, though its weird that it's only been going on for a week. Hit me back if you have some ideas.

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Good to know I am not alone. You think it's the 06 mod? Cause I have the same issue with the 94 mod, but I figured that might be just cause it's the beta. I wouldn't really care, but it's getting unplayable, and I love my MVP.

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i think it might be. i don't have alot of lagging, but for example, when i switch from playing a game to the simming screen, it kind of freezes for about 5 or 6 seconds, then goes back to normal. and it didn't happen until i installed mvp 06, so it must just be all that info that's causing the problem. however, it's not too serious for me, so there's no big huury.

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You know how you can share your ram to your video card? Is that a hardware thing, or can I configure my virtual memory to be shared memory with the video card. I wanna know so maybe if it's my video card then I can improve on it and make MVP not quite as laggy.

:offtopic: Does the site look like this to anyone else?


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