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LeVeRRe question about Portraits?


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I am really interested in making portraits and have all of your portraits and only yours in my game. With all the trades and roster movement I decided I wanted players on their new teams to wear the same hat and such as their new teammates. Well here is where the problem arises. I know how to do everything to get them in the game and make them transparent. But I want them to look like yours because it would look stupid if 24 of them were close up and 1 was farther away. Because all I can find are photos like this ph_136860.jpg

where as yours are like this.


I am just wondering where do you get your photos from. Or how do you get your photos to be like that? Thanks for your help and good luck with your new project. I know if your faces are anything like your portraits they will be amazing. Thanks

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I am really interested in making portraits and have all of your portraits and only yours in my game. With all the trades and roster movement I decided I wanted players on their new teams to wear the same hat and such as their new teammates. Well here is where the problem arises. I know how to do everything to get them in the game and make them transparent. But I want them to look like yours because it would look stupid if 24 of them were close up and 1 was farther away. Because all I can find are photos like this ph_136860.jpg

where as yours are like this.


I am just wondering where do you get your photos from. Or how do you get your photos to be like that? Thanks for your help and good luck with your new project. I know if your faces are anything like your portraits they will be amazing. Thanks

I used the picture your posted, LeVeRRe must do something to make his look a little washed out



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Hey there,

Here's the jist of what I do. I crop the pics to look the way I like it, generally cutting a bit of the hat off to center and frame the face. Then I open the file in a program call Infranview, and edit the colouring. Generally I lower the gamma correction darkening it a bit, and then lower the contrast taking the brightness away. Hope that helps, as for where I get the pics, mainly mlb.com.

Cheers, LeVeRRe

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Thanks. I see exactly how to do that and have tried it and can get it very similar too yours. I just have one more question. The pictures from mlb.com are 90 x 135. I crop the picture and they go down even more in size to around 90 x 106. Now this is the problem. I need to resize it to 128 X 128 but when I do it is all distorted and horrible quality. How do you do this. The way I see it this is the final obstacle in my way before I can really get deep into the portraits and start releasing many updates. Thanks LeVeRRe.

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I resize using infranview, it's not too distorted I believe, remember the game shrinks the pics down to a 100x128 size for display and that inturn sharpens it a bit.

Cheers, LeVeRRe

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Thanks for your help. I have one final question. How do you personally make the background transparent? I always seem to mess up with it. I can get it transparent but can't get it right. Do you have any tips and/or methods. Thanks again.

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I think Cris has a quicker way than me, not sure if it's as fine a touch. I personall zoom in til the pic I'm editing is like 250 times the original size in photoshop, take the paintbrush at like a 3 size and edge it out by hand. Takes a lot of time, but the quality is exceptional. Cris's new ones look really nice, and he has a time saving way, so might wanna talk to him if my way is too time consuming for you (i know it drove me MAD!)

Cheers and Good Luck, LeVeRRe

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