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The Book Thread


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Alright so here goes:

I havn't read a good book in about a month so I decided to start a thread here to spark the minds of all you avid readers out there.

Post your favourite book, least favourite books, genre of interest, Authors, or anything regarding literature fiction or non fiction and you could possibly help out anyone looking for a good read.

I'll start things off:

Anything by Michael Crichton or James Patterson tends to be good, They involve mystery, murder, science, and lots of suspense.


Jurrasic Park (Crichton)

Along Came A Spider (Patterson)

(Both are tons better than the movies)

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Oooooh. Camuuuuus.

Orwell is great, but you should follow that up by reading some of the books that aren't the two that everyone reads (the other being Animal Farm).

I have read in the past month, mostly for English grad classes:

Lord of the Flies by Golding

Metroland by Barnes

Posession by Byatt

Gulliver's Travels by Swift

Vicar of Wakefield by Goldsmith

Moll Flanders by Defoe

Tom Jones by Fielding

The Comedians by Graham Greene

Look Back in Anger (stage play) by Osborne

Bringing Out the Dead (screenplay) by Paul Schrader

Taxi Driver (screenplay) by Paul Schrader

Manhattan (screenplay) by Woody Allen

The Apartment (screenplay) by Billy Wilder

Others I've read recently and enjoyed:

Kingdom of Fear by Hunter S. Thompson

Carry On, Jeeves by Wodehouse

Simple Art of Murder by Chandler

V For Vendetta by Alan Moore

My all-time favorite book:

Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut

Next on the list for when I get time:

A Prayer for Owen Meany by Irving

Holes by Sachar

The High Window by Chandler


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Don't remember why, but Kurt Vonnegut used to be my fav. when I was in high school. Look into his stuff.


Cashflow Quadrant

Bible (King James Version)


Marketing Outrageousely

Courtship After Marriage (Zig Ziglar's stuff is always good)

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Catch 22 by Joseph Heller is hilarious. I also love anything by Dean Koontz.

I just read Catch-22 about a month ago. I had been meaning to read it and luckily found an old copy of my dad's lying in the garage.

Another good WW2 book is Battlecry byt Leon Uris.

Thanks for all the responses guys, I'm gonna have to spend a couple hours in the library hunting down those books. I hope others are benefiting from this thread too :wtg:

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Catcher in the Rye by Salinger


The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Chbosky

One wonders if you also read Bukowski or Chuck Pahalnaizunalkausdfkask (Fight Club guy)? I've had a few conversations with other instructors here that he may be the new J.D. Salinger.

One also wonders if you thought that thing about the aunt was creepily out of place and ruined the book. You know what I'm talking about.


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I've heard a lot of mixed reviews of Cathcer in the Rye. I haven't read it personally but half the people I talk to say its good and the other half say its boring at hell.

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I hate reading, I think it's the most boring thing in the world. However, someone gave me The Da Vinci Code and I was hooked. I decided to check out Angels & Demons and I got hooked again. Therefor I decided to check out Digital Fortess and I read it in 2 days! I'm now reading the Deception Point.

I love Dan Brown and I strongly suggest his novels!

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I think Angels and Demons was much better than Dav Vinci Code. I think some of the hype made it better than it was. Both were written exaclty the same but A+D was more entertaining.

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I think Angels and Demons was much better than Dav Vinci Code. I think some of the hype made it better than it was. Both were written exaclty the same but A+D was more entertaining.

I agree with you there. The Da Vinci Code was great! But I enjoyed Angels & Demons more :)

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I bought 4 new books today, tell me what you think

Game of Shadows


(Using these for school: Affects of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Society)

How to get Rich by Donald Trump

An autobiography of Nelson Mandela (can't remember the name, my mom is reading it right now)

If anyone knows anything that can help me out on the topic I mentioned above, especially if it relates to teen use, I'd really appreciate it.

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I have an incredible array of books, and I love to read... just to name some authors I enjoy:

Orson Scott Card (sci-fi)

Tom Clancy (realistic action fiction, and also excellent non-fiction)

Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dirk Gently, etc)

Michael Crichton (realistic, science-based thrillers)

Greg Bear (recently got into him - sci-fi - good stuff)

Richard Preston (Medical-based thrillers. Read: The Hot Zone (non-fiction), The Demon in the Freezer (non-fiction), The Cobra Event (fiction)).

Micharl DiMercurio (Military fiction)

James Bradley (Excellent author: Flags of our Fathers (soon to be a movie), Flyboys)

...and of course...

Buzz Bissinger (Friday Night Lights and 3 Nights in August - must read!)

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(Using these for school: Affects of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Society)

If anyone knows anything that can help me out on the topic I mentioned above, especially if it relates to teen use, I'd really appreciate it.

There was an interesting article in...I want to say the New York Times Sunday news supplement. Something along those lines last year or the year before about steroids affecting the value systems of minor league baseball. There were extensive interviews with two little guys with high OBPs and AVGs who couldn't hit HRs, so they got no attention. It was a great article, but unfortunately, I lost my copy of it.

Maybe someone else knows what I'm talking about.

EDIT: Should have searched first: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/24/magazine...serland&emc=rss

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Ok .. recommend me a good book!

I never have been much of a reader. Because like someone said earlier, I am easily bored. If I'm not doing something on the computer, I'm out and about. Work, play - whatever. I think I am what you might call stir-crazy. I hardly even watch TV.

Although, I would like to break a mental sweat as well (vague 'Dodgeball' reference). </segway> I am a movie fanatatic and have read a few Michael Crighton books and of course a handfull of Stephen King. Really would like to get into something interesting. Have thought about getting V for Vendetta and The Count of Monte Cristo (loved those movies). I've heard The Count of Monte Cristo is a beast of a book and is 90% dialogue. So I would probably shy away from that one.

I don't know, you could say I'm looking for a book that would keep a 12 year old boy with ADD on a coffee binge -interested-.

Any thoughts?

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As stupid/gay/childish as it may sound, I hated to read, absolutely hated it...until I read the Harry Potter books..... (no I'm not gay, Im engaged to a woman....and no i'm not 8 i'm 23) Ever since I read all 6 that have been out thus far, I now enjoy reading tremendously. I'm in the middle of Da Vinci Code and it's another crazy good book. The Harry Potter books though are very well written though, a 6 year old can read them and enjoy them and an adult can read and enjoy...

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As stupid/gay/childish as it may sound, I hated to read, absolutely hated it...until I read the Harry Potter books..... (no I'm not gay, Im engaged to a woman....and no i'm not 8 i'm 23) Ever since I read all 6 that have been out thus far, I now enjoy reading tremendously. I'm in the middle of Da Vinci Code and it's another crazy good book. The Harry Potter books though are very well written though, a 6 year old can read them and enjoy them and an adult can read and enjoy...

I actually know lots of people "our" age that loved those damn Harry Potter books (and movies as well). Both women AND men. (I'm 25). I wasn't crazy about them - but I read 2 of them cuz my ex-girlfriend made me. lol.

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I really really enjoyed them for some reason...the movies are ok, but they leave out way way way too much info the books have that I feel should be in the movies....I don't know what it is about them, but once I start reading them I can't put them down..

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