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MVP Producer Transfers to MLB 2K7


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I know a lot of people were unhappy about what Take2 did but that is how it goes if you want to totally gobble up the market. The plus side is there is a developer from the MVP series that has headed over to "the enemy" if you will, and that has to be very promising. Also the fact that the developer in the article stated that he wanted to make some changes and stated what they are (good ones that bring more detail) makes me hopeful. I want to know if this will come out for PC with those changes and have left a voice message with the phone number listed. I'm not sure I'll even get a response but we'll see how this goes.


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  \ said:
Well, still not available for the PC, so I don't care.

Take2, you suck.

Ditto. PC'ers are once again left completely out in the cold. Evidently, Take2's programmers aren't up to the task of making a PC version.


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  \ said:

Ditto. PC'ers are once again left completely out in the cold. Evidently, Take2's programmers aren't up to the task of making a PC version.


I would think all it would take is to just port the game over

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You know, I'm starting to think the reason 2K hired Brinkman was because the MLB had said bluntly that 2K6 was poorly recieved and was not going in the direction intended. My guess is that if 2K's MLB series flops hard again, 2K will lose the MLB license, and we can finally get a chance to play MVP Baseball 2008...without Brinkman, I guess.

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One last attempt. I emailed kushgames and cc'd what I believe may be Mr. Brinkman's email address(es) this message:

"Hello, I’m looking to open up dialogue between your company and this community of members that I believe would be avid followers now that Ben Brinkman was hired earlier this summer. I’ve read this article about Mr. Brinkman’s ideas to change the MLB2K series located here:


Also, then there is this website full of avid followers (freaks and geeks galore?) that I assume would love to hear from Mr. Brinkman or a spokesperson from the company-maybe to field any questions or hear a statement. I think it would make for great marketing to at least create a username and post a message in the thread discussing this very article. You may post here:


Have a great day and thank you for your time, Mo."

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  \ said:
One last attempt. I emailed kushgames and cc'd what I believe may be Mr. Brinkman's email address(es) this message:

"Hello, I’m looking to open up dialogue between your company and this community of members that I believe would be avid followers now that Ben Brinkman was hired earlier this summer. I’ve read this article about Mr. Brinkman’s ideas to change the MLB2K series located here:


Also, then there is this website full of avid followers (freaks and geeks galore?) that I assume would love to hear from Mr. Brinkman or a spokesperson from the company-maybe to field any questions or hear a statement. I think it would make for great marketing to at least create a username and post a message in the thread discussing this very article. You may post here:


Have a great day and thank you for your time, Mo."

Mo, are you aware that Mr. Brinkman posts at OperationSports.com as "mickfleetwood"?

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Its gonna have to be a total overhaul for me to buy it. Im still pissed that I wasted $$$ on 2k6.

Easily the worst baseball game released since Major League Baseball for NES.


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  \ said:

Mo, are you aware that Mr. Brinkman posts at OperationSports.com as "mickfleetwood"?

No actually. If you have an account there already, can you send him a link?

And as an aside, isn't OS.com Moose's playground? :noentry:

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Acording to the review, they are doing a total oberhaul from hats to pitching mechanice to hitting. They are totally redoing the game. 2K8 plans to add features andmake the game more fun. 2K9, try and perfect it just like MVP did on year three.

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To me, this is one of the most important parts of the article:

And Brinkman knows the pressure is on to produce as word is Major League Baseball wasn't too happy with the quality of the game, or the direction the series was headed.

I'm sure that will drive them to produce a good game, they certainly don't want to lose the deal with MLB.

I know that when TakeTwo first started talking about baseball, there was talk of a PC title...who knows...

If things keep progressing the way they are, it might be time to look at buying a console.

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  \ said:
To me, this is one of the most important parts of the article:

I'm sure that will drive them to produce a good game, they certainly don't want to lose the deal with MLB.

I know that when TakeTwo first started talking about baseball, there was talk of a PC title...who knows...

If things keep progressing the way they are, it might be time to look at buying a console.

:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: I hope they will make a PC Version
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  \ said:
To me, this is one of the most important parts of the article:

I'm sure that will drive them to produce a good game, they certainly don't want to lose the deal with MLB.

I know that when TakeTwo first started talking about baseball, there was talk of a PC title...who knows...

If things keep progressing the way they are, it might be time to look at buying a console.

In a way, I'm swaying for them to do good, but then again, I want a PC game so I want this to fail and flop hard so that MLB flips out like "Was this why we gave you the FRICKIN LICENSING?"...

Anyway, it will take them more than a few months to create a perfect game. 2K is using a hybrid of the World Series engine and the 2K4 engine, and in order to perfect it you'll need to create a new engine from scratch...

There is a member on that site who helped develop ESPN Baseball on OperationSports by the handle of "FatPitcher", and this is what he's said from dealing with 2K:

Anyway, in response to whoever said Greg Thomas was a force for good and the guy who asked why Blue Shift and VC parted ways:

- Greg Thomas was the force behind Floigan. Bros. Episode 1. He single-handedly prevented it from being canceled by SEGA, even when it was painfully obvious that it was a money pit doomed for failure.

- He convinced SEGA of America that NFL2K3 could go head-to-head with Madden and got them to bet the farm on it. SEGA did, was crushed by Madden, had almost no money to market WSB2K3 with (I heard < $100,000), and had to get Sammy to save them. In other words, he killed SEGA (and WSB2K3's sales)

- In our original WSB2K3 design document, we had the Gamecast feature and an arcade pitching feature that was basically identical to what MVP ended up doing that year. Greg axed them both, then berated us for not being innovative enough when MVP had both of those features in their game.

- In our original ESPN MLB design document, we had significant improvements to the Franchise mode (including a more fleshed-out GM mode), a totally revamped batting animation system, an inside edge-like system, and some other cool features. Greg Thomas rejected it and demanded we cut the franchise stuff and big-ticket simmy stuff add more arcadey and "innovative" features like NFL was doing with First Person Football and the Crib. The batting animation system was also scuttled because it would take a lot of time and wasn't a back-of-the-box item. As a result (and over my objections), we did stuff like the Trophy Room (a slimmed-down "Crib"), The Duel, and First Person Baseball.

- Of course, late in development, Greg Thomas reads all the great things the press is saying about MVP's franchise mode and demands to know why we aren't matching them in this regard. I'm not making this up.

- Our development schedule was already tight because we were doing online play, and Greg decided that we were going to do a demo (I objected, of course). Not only did the demo hurt our cause because it was built mostly using the WSB2K3 game, but it also took up a huge chunk of development time.

- Greg Thomas decided sometime near the beginning of ESPN MLB development that Kush would be doing the next title because they were cheaper and more in tune with his marketing-driven development philosophy. Of course, he didn't say anything to Blue Shift about it, making things very difficult for them when they finished ESPN and hadn't made plans to bring in business from other places.

And those are just things that I saw personally in my limited experience with the guy.

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  \ said:
I don't even know what to say.

Should I open up an account and contact that guy, Mr. Brinkman?

Most likely he won't be answering as he is a video game designer.

However the best thing about it is that he does in fact play baseball video games, so he knows what we want as opposed to a game designed by people who are not familiar with the mannerisms in baseball

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To me it sounds like there is a lot of panic at 2k and that they are willing to do anything to try and keep MVP out of the mix. And I faithfully hope that the next game CRASHES into the ground, gets killed by MLB 07 The Show and Major League Baseball rips up the licence opeinng the door for MVP 08. Cross your fingers boys!

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good news, I wish I could have a conversation with Brinkman because I have so many great idea's for any baseball series. I'm still playing 05 and although the game is awesome theres just so many things I wish I could add on to it.

The dynasty mode especially, theres just so much more that could be added to make it more realistic

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the lefty glitch ... it rings a bell, but I've probably blocked it from my memory so does anyone care to refresh it?

Supposedly MLB wasn't very happy with 2k6 and the producer said that they might get just one more shot at it to get it right. Perhaps if 2k7 doesn't satisfy MLB either, they will give up the exclusive license and EA would be stupid not to take advantage of it.

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ahh, yes ... I remember now. Thank god that's fixed; otherwise Hafner and Sizemore would be of no use to me.

btw ... congrats on reaching the WS. To keep the trend alive, we'll make it next year ;)

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