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What was the funniest thread or post you've ever read?


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From on here or from any forum?

Well, I was going to wait and let you all decide. Since someone just decided go for it. Wherever.

For me, I've always like the thread where one mvpmods user started a second account, posted a message for help, then used his other account to argue with himself, Y4L came in that thread and locked it saying: Did you have fun arguing with your self for the past X number of hours???

I can't remember who that was but I have my guesses as to who that was. I searched for the thread a while back but can not find it. Anyone remember that?

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Well, I was going to wait and let you all decide. Since someone just decided go for it. Wherever.

For me, I've always like the thread where one mvpmods user started a second account, posted a message for help, then used his other account to argue with himself, Y4L came in that thread and locked it saying: Did you have fun arguing with your self for the past X number of hours???

I can't remember who that was but I have my guesses as to who that was. I searched for the thread a while back but can not find it. Anyone remember that?

I remember that one! The reason why you couldn't find it is because after we lock them we move the locked threads. The guy you are talking about was someone named steroid, remember him? He made a secondary account and what he did was he welcomed the secondary account to Mvpmods!

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For me, I've always like the thread where one mvpmods user started a second account, posted a message for help, then used his other account to argue with himself

I do that all the time and have not been caught yet

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I remember reading one when I first joined the site when I went back and read a bunch of old posts so I knew what was asked and who was who and all that fun stuff and I remember reading one about Barry Bonds doing steroids and the guys grammar was terrible. I went back to try and find it but no luck. If anyone knows who this was, care to clue me and the newbies in?

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I remember that one! The reason why you couldn't find it is because after we lock them we move the locked threads. The guy you are talking about was someone named steroid, remember him? He made a secondary account and what he did was he welcomed the secondary account to Mvpmods!

No, I think you're close but no cigar. I think it was jpfriedman who did that. The steriod one happened a few months ago. The jpfriedman one is where he came back-wait a minute. The one I'm talking about is where the guy gets banned for a short while, comes back all humble and says he was sorry and all this and I post a message saying "I REMEMBER YOU" " YOU GOT KICKED FOR ARGUING WITH YOUR SELF (all laughing). Well he starts reallizing that it was funny and does away with the humbleness act. Not sure who it was but jpfriedman would be my first guess.

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We had one a very long time ago with Moose, timay, NYM and myself. We were going back and forth for a long time just laughing about things. It was NYM at his best. In fact, I remember when it happened, it was on New Year's Eve of '04. Too bad too many things changed after that.

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Where do locked threads go? Locked thread land? I bet that is where all of the funny stuff is.

Yeah, that's about right. Any thread you see that ends up getting locked for one reason or another goes into there. Some did have some funny stuff in it, but it either got locked because someone was fighting, or swearing, etc.

You know all those threads that asked when Mvp 06 was about to come out? There they are. Ditto for the same Mvpedit questions, or "how do I get the NO CD crack for my game?" That's where those have all gone to.

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What about the big book of mods? Anyone remember that one?

Man, for those of you who didn't see me in '04, that was my year, although short (started in Nov.)

I missed that Mark B thread. He's been hanging around me too much.

What about the time Moose created a secondary account and tried to make us belive he had friends. coolguy ring a bell?

I think we should get those locked threads and pick at the most stupid ones that will mak us LOFAO!

EDIT CAN WE BRING BACK all the banned members in MVPmods history, and then tel lMoose that we did that, and then tell him and his friend coolguy weren't unbanned?

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lol eric. I also liked that thread "Late night Jibber-Jabber" where KC and Fuzzone posted a bunch of random hilarious crap.

Oh man, I am a joker to the core.


Of all the people on this site, I'm guessing Kraw, Fuzz, Timay, NYM06, and I have the most quotables.

The Potching joke was hilarious, but then again, most of us vet's can't forget Twins34. That guy is a high heat forum legend.

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