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I camped outside for my PS3 Preorder!!


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And I got one, first in line, 200 dollar deposit at EB Games.

woooooooooooooooohoooooooo and now i have school then i gotta go to work. :joystick:

I didn't know this was being released today.

Which one did you get and what games did you get for it?

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it's not released today, it's just the preorder, meaning he has his reserved...

congratulations, you officially have more money to waste on a 600 dollar gaming system than I.

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it's not released today, it's just the preorder, meaning he has his reserved...

congratulations, you officially have more money to waste on a 600 dollar gaming system than I.

Oh damn. He camped outside just to put money down on one. That's almost disgusting.

The stores by me said that they weren't even taking preorders and that it was first come first serve.

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And I got one, first in line, 200 dollar deposit at EB Games.

woooooooooooooooohoooooooo and now i have school then i gotta go to work. :joystick:

How many others were there in the line? :wink:

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How many others were there in the line? :wink:

10 others. There were only 4 PS3 preorders and for the 60GB version, I was first and my brother got the second.

I'm going to maybe sell mine, or buy another, sell it and if I make enough profit keep the other PS3. :)

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I'm perfectly satisfied with my 360. The only game coming out for ps3 that I wanted was Assasins Creed, but they are now making it for 360 as well, so i'm set.

I read that the HDDVD player that comes with it can't play HDDVDs because the 360 doesn't support it. Is that true? That's a pretty big error if it is.

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hmm. i wish i had a gaming system other than a computer. but then i'm kind of proud of being a computer-only gamer.

I could get into PC games if more of them let you use a controller. I can't hang with the mouse and keyboard. :headache:

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I read that the HDDVD player that comes with it can't play HDDVDs because the 360 doesn't support it. Is that true? That's a pretty big error if it is.

don't know, i don't have an hdtv so i don't worry about it.

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ive gotten more into pc gaming than I ever have before. I debated why would I spend that much on a console when I could use that money that I would spend on the console, an extra controller, and some games and put it into upgrading my computer and get new speakers for it. So far Ive gotten a 500w psu, BFG 7600gt, and soundblaster x-fi platnium. Just need to get the speakers and probably a bigger monitor. I imagine it will be about the same cost as the PS3 plus games and what not.

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PS3 costs alot more then 600.

You're going to want to get a extra controller and probably 2 games. Thats almost 800.

Plus you wanna get a new tv because like most people you probably dont have the HDtv. So thats another 1000.

1800 for a console? Fsck that.

Consoles were supposed to be for the real hardcore gamers, the ones who just wanted to play games and not have a computer.

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One of the only things that keeps me from buying a 360 is the controller. The original XBOX controllers were much worse than the 360 but the 360 controller is horrible too. I guess they fixed it up a little but not enough, imo. Plus as I said earlier there is a problem with the HDDVD player, so if I did buy it I would wait until all of the kinks were worked out. Does anyone know if they make an alternate controller for the 360, something similar to the PS2 or SNES or the alternate Wii? Or what about an adapter that would let you use a controller from a different console?

I'm still waiting to see if Namco puts Tekken for the PS3 online before I make a decision. Either way I'm not rushing out to get any new console, right now I'm perfectly happy with my PS2. I think this is the first time there has been a console release that I'm not excited about. Also I imagine the PS3 will have a problem or two when it is first released.

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Dead Rising is beastly. Nothing beats staying up until the wee hours of the morning slicing zombie's heads off and running over them with lawn mowers and watching blood and body parts go flying everywhere.

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the 360's are pretty sweet, my brother has one, let me tell you, the graphics are awesome!

yea but when it breaks on you, it sucks... mine just broke a month ago... i just got it back today... a whole new console, so it looks like the early shipments of it were all faulty...

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