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Kgbaseball's Roster Thread


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I didn;t pay much attention to that for players from SS's roster, but for everyone not in it I did.

Here's Dunn's.


I think the MISS needs to be raised way up if you keep the other at 100%, the man gets more air than Jordan

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I think those only affect Adam Dunn's at bats in game by the CPU. (I presume) So, if it was 0 he would have a slightly more chance making contact in his plate approach while at 15 he would be more likely to miss during his plate approach. Pretty much, it doesn't affect batting averages or the sort. The MVP engine is flawed (:lol:), pretty much it'll make anyone with a ton of plate patience hit for a higher average and hit for less power during simulations. That's why hitters seems to top out at the low 40s for HRs during simulations regardless of power ratings.

Rather than making these inconsistent with my ratings, I'll just live with the MVP simulation engine. If it sucked so badly we wouldn't be playing this game.

Anyway, I do update hit, miss, and take zones when a batter's approach has changed significantly. Since Dunn always walks and strikeouts, his has probably remained the same. (I don't remember what I done with it) while someone like Garrett Atkins has been changed significantly to reflect his now ML-hitter status.

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Once again, I would just like to point out, that 1.1 crashes on me when I try to start a new dynasty. I don't think it's a problem that KG really wants to address, but I'm just throwing it out there. Do I need the default progress.big, rookies.big, schedule.big and resign.csv? I have all those modded, so I figured that might be it.

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I think you need to sue your game for pain and suffering; it just does NOT like you at all. I have some of those 4 files modded, and everything works like a charm for me. Try replacing them with the defaults and see what happens.

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by the way, just wanted to say thanks. I have been playing with your rosters since they came out. I think they put the ur rosters to shame as far as pitchers throwing correct pitches, batting attributes, etc. I can't imagine how much time you must have spent.

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Why not just Drop Dunn's Plate Discipline which, I would guess, would fix whether playing him or sim-ing him because he would see the ball later and therefore have less hits and more strikes. If you don't mind me asking what formula do you use for calculating Plate Discipline?

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You'd have to ask SwinginSoriano that. From what I know, he uses his own formula, and because he walks so much, it raised the Discipline to 15. It'll stay there right now, but he's redoing attributes for the 07 season, which will be included in my roster.

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I could drop his discipline but that would really be cheating Adam Dunn. Then I would have to drop Bonds because he doesn't hit for average anymore, then Giambi... As of right now, I am going to stick with the formula.

And don't worry, my roster and KG's will still be separate entities. My ratings aren't final, when he gets them he can do what he wants with them, he has already with the 06 version.

Keep up the good work everyone.

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I agree that you should stick to the formula so that you at least have some consistency. However I would maybe suggest tweaking the formula for future stats. In case anyone cares I was thinking up a way to calculate Plate Discipline and came up with this.

=((Hits + Walks) / (AB * 0.6)) * 100

The logic being that a hit and walk is a desired outcome. Having good plate discipline will result in better pitches and therefore a good outcome. So it compares how likely they are based on total at bats to have a good outcome. Since it's almost impossible to have 100% success in batting I then factor in a modifier 0.6. This basically means that the best hitter possible in baseball will have a successfull outcome from an AB 60% of the time resulting in a 100 plate discipline rating in MVP. To make it more accurate, Intentional walks should be subtrated from walks and AB.

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If I use that formula, I get a 72~, which equates to a 8 or 9 in the game. BUT, he was 3rd in the entire MLB in walks, which should raise his Discipline a few points. Of course, he struck out more than anyone, so that should decrease it. Perhaps 10 or 11 is a fair number?

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I agree that you should stick to the formula so that you at least have some consistency. However I would maybe suggest tweaking the formula for future stats. In case anyone cares I was thinking up a way to calculate Plate Discipline and came up with this.

=((Hits + Walks) / (AB * 0.6)) * 100

The logic being that a hit and walk is a desired outcome. Having good plate discipline will result in better pitches and therefore a good outcome. So it compares how likely they are based on total at bats to have a good outcome. Since it's almost impossible to have 100% success in batting I then factor in a modifier 0.6. This basically means that the best hitter possible in baseball will have a successfull outcome from an AB 60% of the time resulting in a 100 plate discipline rating in MVP. To make it more accurate, Intentional walks should be subtrated from walks and AB.

here is what I use

((( (Ws / Ks * 100 + .5) + Contact Rating ) / 2 )+ .5) * .1

from MVPedit

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