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Kgbaseball's Roster Thread


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how come there are no new portraits for ps2 version at eamods.

many reasons,

LBA location of files on disk can not be moved (updated portraits would double the size of portrait.big pushing all other files back)

No one knows the format of the images inside the ssh files

to name 2 of them

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hi, I'm a fan of MLB living in japan.

First of all, thanks for the great work on the roster.

But I noticed that Yankees' Kei Igawa's pitches are a little wrong.

he throws Circle Change, Slider and Curveball, and his fastball reaches 93mph.

CircleChange movement is around 12, slider is around 8~9 and curveball is around 4~5. Fastball control is around 83.

Stamina and durabillity should be over 90 and 95, respectively.

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Ahh, I didn't know he had a curve. Thanks.

If you search Sabathia and slurve on google you get a bunch of links calling it a slurve. It's really a judgment call. It seems CC changes speeds with the pitch to make it more sweeping (like a slider) or be slower and break less like a curve. (Well, very minorly, the speeds are still similar along with the movement.)

Once I'm decided I'll update it on my roster, but I'm leaning towards a slurve.

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C.C. Sabathia changes speed and movement with all of his pitches. That along with the fact that he can pitch a complete game fairly easily makes me think that hes gonna be one of the most domiate pitchers in the AL in the next couple of years. If he would have pitched the entire season like he pitched in May (era of 1.20 with 38 so) and August (era of 1.88 with 43 so) he would have won a cy young for sure. He's by far my favorite pitcher if you guys couldn't tell allready.

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Hey KG i went to ea.mods, but you have version under Consoles and another under Rosters. Could you tell me which xbox one has the new contracts? thanks in advance!

think about it. xbox=console

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How can i take Grady Little out of the game with a editor he is the one causing the game to crash with the dodgers i have the plus version but it crashes with both versions how do i know this you ask?I play the reds however i started a owner mode game with the dodgers with Grady Little as manager game crashes when you start a game so i fired him and hired a new manager and the game works fine when hes not a manager. however doing it this way is only a tempory fix because someone will probably hire him the next season causing the problem again but with another team. so how can i delete him so this doesnt happen or better yet please fix this problem its him causing the crashes.and yes i have the newest roster versions.

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