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Kgbaseball's Roster Thread


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The reason I see Novoa making the team and Wuertz/Cotts not is because Cotts and Wuertz have options and Novoa does not IIRC. I think Pagan is a virtual lock, as the Cubs would like Cedeno to start and Pagan is the only true CF on the roster. Plus, the chances of the Cubs carrying three lefties on the roster are slim, IMO.

Marshall is definitely going to AAA. No way in hell he's making the team barring injuries. The Cubs want him to start, and to do that, he's goin' to Iowa.

Novoa, Cotts, Wuertz and Ohman all have options. Besides, Novoa is someone who would likely clear waivers anyway. He's currently well behind the other relievers. Cotts will definitely make the team. Wuertz would only not if Miller regains arm strength without being traded. It'd be far from ideal to attempt to send him back down though.

As I mentioned, Pagan does have the upperhand but he's definitely not a lock. His speed is actually what gives him the advantage as they'd actually prefer another shortstop/middle infielder. The plan to start the season of course is Soriano in center -- which if he handles it means you're going to have only a handful of games you'd need another centerfielder. As it stands, Jacque can play center (and in fact, a better CF than Soriano so far) and Theriot has worked plenty in centerfield this offseason as well so CF would be covered for 162 games. An injury or position move decision, etc., gives you the time to make the proper roster changes so you wouldn't carry a player purely in anticipation of something of that sort.

Marshall's injury obviously puts him behind but he's still 7th or 8th in starting depth.

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For anybody that cares, here's the new Prospect teams, based off of the new Top 100 Prospects list by Baseball America. This time I divided them by their ML team's league (NL/AL). Many worthy players were left out, either because I didn't have room for them or they have spent/will spend a majority of their time in the Major Leagues this season. It'll all be featured in my next update.


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From Cleveland Plain Dealer:

Paul Byrd, experimenting with a split-finger fastball, used it Thursday in the Tribe's 13-2 victory over Houston.

Byrd pitched two scoreless innings.

Atlanta's John Smoltz, a neighbor of Byrd's in Alpharetta, Ga., showed him the splitter during the off-season.

Tribe pitching coach Carl Willis threw the splitter during his career as well.

"I'm excited," said Byrd. "It has potential. . . . I just want to see if it can be a legitimate pitch for me."

Byrd struck out lefty Luke Scott in the fourth with a splitter. He bounced the first four he threw. Byrd is looking for a pitch to help him against lefties.

Lefties hit .369 (128-for-347) against Byrd last year.

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Sorry to ask this, but I just can't find it. It says there is a non-modded xbox verison of these rosters for download, but I can't find them for the life of me. Could someone help me out? Once again, sorry for the newb question.

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Sorry to ask this, but I just can't find it. It says there is a non-modded xbox verison of these rosters for download, but I can't find them for the life of me. Could someone help me out? Once again, sorry for the newb question.

It's over at EAmods.com.

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I'm not sure if he was added when that roster was done. If he's not on Texas or AAA Oklahoma, he wasn't added yet.

Thanks! It's not a big deal and won't matter if he's cut. I'm guessing this is his last chance.

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Thanks! It's not a big deal and won't matter if he's cut. I'm guessing this is his last chance.

I am using the second of these rosters converted for Xbox that is at eamods and Sosa is definitely there.I've got him at AAA for the Rangers.

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I am using the second of these rosters converted for Xbox that is at eamods and Sosa is definitely there.I've got him at AAA for the Rangers.

yeah...the file here is dated january 11th...the one at EAMods is dated january 26th. I got the earlier one here, so i'm going to check out the other one as well. thanks.

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Do you have a link on that? I've never heard of it being called a knuckle curve, just a curve.

no need for an article, just look at the picture, look at the grip, it´s clearly a knuckle curve...

here´s another one from a recent cbs sports article:


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no need for an article, just look at the picture, look at the grip, it´s clearly a knuckle curve...

here´s another one from a recent cbs sports article:


There are several ways to grip a regular curveball and that picture just shows one of them. Out of all the pitchers on my baseball team, only me and this other guy grip our curve the same.

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There are several ways to grip a regular curveball and that picture just shows one of them. Out of all the pitchers on my baseball team, only me and this other guy grip our curve the same.

as far as I know there are only 3 ways to throw a curveball:

The Straight Curve (think Felix Hernandez, Shawn Chacon, Tom Gordon, etc):


The Beginners Curve (Eric Gagne, Josh Beckett, Kenny Rogers, etc):



The Knuckle Curve (Mike Mussina, Justin Verlander, Phil Hughes :twisted: , etc):


he´s not throwing a beginners curve or a straight curve in that picture, so it must be a knuckle curve... look at the picture (the 1st one), look at the way his finger is tucked in, that my friends is a knuckle curve.

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How exactly were those of you with AR's able to get this to work? I've done everything the readme file says, and it still won't show up. I've transferred the kg and UR75 roster files to my AR folder, thinking it may have just been one of the files. It even shows the files on my AR memory card when the AR program is open. However, when I put the card into the XBOX memory card slot on the controller, the files don't show up in the game when I try to load rosters. Why is that? What am I missing?

If this has already been discussed I apologize. I'm just not that compelled to scan through 59 pages.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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