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Kgbaseball's Roster Thread


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I just checked your new 6.2 roster and see you still have Fukudome with an 86 contact rating against righties. Fukudome with 343 AB against righties is hitting a whopping .259--and how does that translate into 86 for contact?

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I'm a newbie in the forum, just don't know if this has been discussed before..

In KG's Roster, Chien Ming Wang has both a 2-seamer and a sinker,

but IMO, his sinker is actually a 2-seamer with amazing movement..

And like UR Roster, he has a spilitter also..

If this could be corrected or am I wrong? :)

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I just checked your new 6.2 roster and see you still have Fukudome with an 86 contact rating against righties. Fukudome with 343 AB against righties is hitting a whopping .259--and how does that translate into 86 for contact?

Well, 79% of the time vs RHP, Fukudome puts the ball in play. His average is so low because he has a .303 BABIP as opposed to his .340 BABIP vs LHP?

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Well, 79% of the time vs RHP, Fukudome puts the ball in play. His average is so low because he has a .303 BABIP as opposed to his .340 BABIP vs LHP?

What does "puts the ball in play" have to do with batting average? Contact is relative to batting average. What other player(s) do you have with a .259 batting average and 86 contact rating?

Also, what about Owings and those absurd ratings for contact and power?

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I'm done justifying myself on these matters. I will have completely updated batting ratings sometime during the offseason. If you're going to keep ****, save it for when the new UR comes out.

Hmm...sounds good, but I would love to hear the justification for Fukudome's 86 Contact rating--no 3-year average on this one.

Also, Owings, Pitcher for D-backs, has power ratings of 83 & 91 based on one year hitting 4 homers and next year just 1 homer--fairly same amount of at bats.

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To be honest after looking thru the rosters and reading some of these posts, I feel like Im cheating in game sometimes depending on what team I use.

Oh well, KG we know you work hard on these so I am happy with the rosters as there isnt much for alternatives right now. More realism would be nice though=P, but hey all you guys. Could we not just tone down these players ourselves anyways?

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What does "puts the ball in play" have to do with batting average? Contact is relative to batting average. What other player(s) do you have with a .259 batting average and 86 contact rating?

Are you purposefully this dense?

Contact = bat hits ball in play.

Ichiro is one of the best contact hitters in baseball.

In 2007, he hit .351 with 77 strikeouts in 678 ABs (11%) and a BABIP of .389.

In 2008, he is hitting .310. So, is Ichiro worse at making contact this year? No. He has 52 strikeouts in 645 ABs (9%) but a BABIP of .331.

Ichiro is still a VERY HIGH contact hitter who is hitting into worse 'luck' then last year.

If you don't have an in-depth knowledge of baseball statistics, please don't critique someone else's choices.

I mean, sweet moses, did you really just say 'What does "puts the ball in play" have to do with batting average?'.

No one ever got a base hit for missing the ball with his bat.

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Maybe KG looked up NPB numbers. If so kudos, as fukodome was quite the lad over in Nippon =P. I think its only fair to do that seeing as hes been playing top level pro ball in his country and has no history over here. And if you see his numbers for the last few years, then KG is on the money.

2005 .328

2006 .351

2007 .294

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Maybe KG looked up NPB numbers. If so kudos, as fukodome was quite the lad over in Nippon =P. I think its only fair to do that seeing as hes been playing top level pro ball in his country and has no history over here. And if you see his numbers for the last few years, then KG is on the money.

2005 .328

2006 .351

2007 .294

Remember Irabu (I think that was his name) of the Yankees? What goes on in Japan does not mean it will happen over here. Why do you have to use anything other than what he does here? The season is almost over and we know he's batting .259 against righties. If he improves next year, then you can update his ratings.

BTW, we are talking splits--and his Contact rating of 86 against righties.

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Contact isn't solely about batting average. Sheesh. Any time a player makes an out without striking out, that's contact.

Contact sure is batting average. KG said that 3-year splits defined Contact for Taveras! Maybe you two guys should get together and have a discussion about Contact.

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Who is talking about Ichiro???

Are you saying Contact is not based on batting average?

Fukudome is hitting .259 against righties and his contact rating is 86. How do you arrive at that figure?

You missed the point.

The "contact" rating in the game isn't how often the player gets a hit.

It's how often the player actually makes contact with the ball, with his bat.

You may want to lower Fukudome's "Plate Discipline."

Once you put the ball in play, it's up to a lot of variables as to wether or not you get a hit - placement of defenders, skill of defenders, how hard the ball was hit, luck, wind, etc etc etc etc.

Fukudome makes contact a lot. He's just not recording a whole mess of hits.

The Ichiro example was brought up because he has seen a drop in his batting average this year - but NOT a significant drop in the number of balls he is putting in play (making contact with the bat).

So, all those "variables" I mentioned above - are working AGAINST him this season, as opposed to FOR HIM like they were last season.

Just an example.

I think you misunderstand what "contact" means. It doesn't translate directly to batting average - it translates to the liklihood of NOT striking out.

For example: Adam Dunn hits for a lot of power, and takes a lot of walks, but also has a terrible average, because he's kind of a feast-or-famine hitter.

So Dunn would have high power, high plate discipline, but somewhat low contact numbers. Why? He tends to swing and miss alot.

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Heath Bell (SD Padres) has Mark Prior`s face atleast thats what it looks like. I did use that plus maker slow tool to convert to plus. I look for mark prior in the MVPedit but I couldnt find him

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When I asked KG why Taveras had such a high Contact rating, he said it was based on the 3-year splits--which means batting average. So, if I don't know what Contact means, or what it's based on, then KG is in the same boat with me.

And you guys are saying batting average does not solely mean Contact--very interesting. When people argue Contact ratings, they refer to batting average. When people argue Power ratings, they refer to home runs. But, you guys say that's all wrong. Well, I am busy "adjusting" the roster so I will bow out for tonight.

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