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Ever skip your high school reunion?


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I'm a senior in High School right now but I plan on going to all of my reunions. I have a lot of close friends who want to stay in Canada and my goal has always been to live in the United States so my reunion would be a good time to see them again.

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haha! i was just talking about skipping mine. it's coming soon! but i have to agree, i haven't stayed in contact with anybody, nor had much of a desire to. the ones i have, i already see, so i'm fine with it. otherwise, you make friends where ever you go, so i'm ok with not going.

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I'm getting the lucky treatment. My wife has a friend from church that is married so we'll go as a couple. That should give me someone to talk to that I'll actually see again.

I think for the wow factor I should come in a disguise and totally make up what I do for a living. Something mind blowing that makes you go REALLY!??!!

Like I'm in the CIA or something WAY WAY more mind numbing of course. I love getting a reaction out of people. Hers isn't for a couple of years though.

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Here's what I've heard: Go to the ten year reunion to see what dicks people still are. Go to the 40 year reunion to see them as their true selves.

My ten year comes in 2010. I was part of the Drug Free Class of 2000!*


*I plead the fifth.

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Here's what I've heard: Go to the ten year reunion to see what dicks people still are. Go to the 40 year reunion to see them as their true selves.

My ten year comes in 2010. I was part of the Drug Free Class of 2000!*


*I plead the fifth.

:lmao: thats one class I will never be a part of. My school is drug central in my city.

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well, I'm still in High school, but I think it would be cool to see everyone again after we graduate.

Yeah, same here. But that might change over time, though.

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I've gone to all of mine so far (5, 10, 15, 20, 25). Some have been better than others (5th and 20th were probably the best). It all depended upon how many of the people I hung out with back in high school showed up.

Luckily, one of my best friends is a guy I met in 7th grade that I still talk with every few weeks, so I always know someone at the reunions. He also still lives close to the town where we grew up (I live out of state now), so he fills me in on the local news and classmate updates as he hears them.

My wife has accompanied me to most of the reunions, but decided not to go to my 25th (two years ago), which was fine, because I know that it's no fun being someplace where you don't know anyone and feel out of place (I've been to a few of her reunions). My buddy and I decided to make a full day of it when our 25th reunion occurred. We met early in the morning and played 18 holes of golf.

After that, we went to our high school after school was over for the day. His sister now works at the high school, so she got us visitor passes and we spent about an hour walking around and reminscing. It was pretty cool, since it had been 25 years since I had been in the building. Walking around brought back a flood of good memories.

Another thing I enjoy about reunions is that I'm probably 30 pounds lighter now than I was back in high school, and it's always funny to see the expressions on people's faces when they look at my nametag and realize who I am.

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