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sig background the abc006 way


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here's a little method i came up with that i sometimes use to do backgrounds on sigs. not saying it's good or not, kind of testing it out on you guys. :twisted: it's using gimp.

~first, create a background. i like to use 400 x 120 or 400 x 100, but each to his own.

~After that, go to Filter > Render > Clouds > Solid noise. do what you want with it.

~Then, if you want another sahde of color, go to Layer > Colors > Colorize, and toy around until you get a shade you want.

~Next, go Filters > Glass Effects > Glass Tile, and toy around with that until you get something you like.

~You can stick in a motion blur here if you want to. for this example, i didn't.

~Then, erase with a grunge brush, with the opacity around 40 - 100, or really anything you want. again, toy around until you get what you want.

Sometimes it works better than other times. my result:


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