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Why are we here?


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After Game 4 of the NLCS last year, I was constantly bastardizing Sartre's most famous quotation from No Exit: "Hell is Albert Pujols."

lmao Eric. I believe that is "Hell is other people". I'm planning on reading that very soon as well as "Being and Nothingness". I've already read Nausea.

my favourite Sartre qoutes are the one above and:

"The poor don't know that their function in life is to exercise our generosity."

Its sounds heartless, but if you think about it, it really sums up our lives.

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Don't do that again. It gives me a headache.

You started a good topic but it got way off course..

AND IT IS TOTAL SPAM. I saw that this afternoon on my day off and I hated every bit of it. If you are going to drink and use the PC, more specifically post on this site, all that results is people asking themselves "Why am I here (on mvpmods.com)". Totally uncalled for spam, making NYM06 look like he's a grown up and not a high schooler.

Whew. Got that out.

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everybody, i'm sorry if this turned out to be a "spam" thread, i defeniteyl didn't mean to make it one. sure, it isn't mvp related, but that's why there's the left field section, and that's why i love this site so much, it's become one big communtiy rather than everything strictly game-realted. i wasn't 100% serious on the topic, although i was interested in what people would say, but i didn't mean to make it a complete nonsense thread filled with stupid posts for no reason. sorry.

besides, it's not like some of you guys mess around every once and a while yourselves. :)

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We're here for one thing: to live and die. Ok that's two things. Whatever.

Human beings will eventually be extinct, we just have to serve our time until the Earth decides to get rid of us.

It'll probably happen on "Earth Day", since Earth loves a little irony.

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Don't do that again. It gives me a headache.

You started a good topic but it got way off course.

Sometimes I ask myself why we are here, but not a lot. I mostly ask myself is there more out of life then I am getting? And what I mean is my daily routine. A lot of you guys in here that are still in school can't relate to it yet, but it seems that all I do is work, come home, enjoy myself a little on here or watching TV and go to bed. That's really it. There's not enough time in the day to just stop and enjoy yourself or relax. I'm tired of working long hours with hardly anything to show for it. And when I do get a vacation, something always happens to screw that up. I'm having knee surgery in January and I can't wait for that to happen because that means I'll be laid up for a month or so. It's pretty bad when you look forward to going to the hospital just so you can have some time off.

Ok, rant off. Let's move on.

I noticed your post Y4L, but we dont have is as easy as you think, at least not me. Look at this week for example:

Monday: Unit tests in 2 courses

Tuesday: 10 minute presentation in Spanish & a debate between materialism vs. dualism (I argued materialism and kicked ***)

Wednesday: Philosophy presentation work 5% of my overall mark, 12 page report for Society

Thursday: Nothing big, but I'll still get tons of homework probably

Friday: What a great day right? End of the week and all...too bad i have a philosophy unit test first thing in the morning.

I understand that an actual job actually means something compared to school, but we still have large sums of menial work to go through.

P.S. I'm in Grade 12 right now, so now slacking or no University.

this post reminds me that maybe I should be studying right now :whistle:

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We're here for one thing: to live and die. Ok that's two things. Whatever.

Human beings will eventually be extinct, we just have to serve our time until the Earth decides to get rid of us.

It'll probably happen on "Earth Day", since Earth loves a little irony.

Rhetorical questions:

How do you know we will eventually be extinct?

How do you know the Earth is what gets rid of us and not something or someone else? And, why would the earth or anything else like to get rid of us? Is it all of us or just some of us? How do you know?

How do you know the Earth loves irony? How do you know the Earth loves at all? Could it be God that loves you and not the earth? Could it be that God loves you and yet you've not recognized it at all but simply give more attention to the things he's made (the earth) rather than the one that made it for you? Food for thought is all.

Could it be that I only have 15 minutes to fit a game in before Lost comes on?

"Professing themselves to be wise they've become fools".

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Rhetorical questions:

How do you know we will eventually be extinct?

How do you know the Earth is what gets rid of us and not something or someone else? And, why would the earth or anything else like to get rid of us? Is it all of us or just some of us? How do you know?

How do you know the Earth loves irony? How do you know the Earth loves at all? Could it be God that loves you and not the earth? Could it be that God loves you and yet you've not recognized it at all but simply give more attention to the things he's made (the earth) rather than the one that made it for you? Food for thought is all.

Very nice, UncleMo, very nice.

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Rhetorical questions:

How do you know we will eventually be extinct?

How do you know the Earth is what gets rid of us and not something or someone else? And, why would the earth or anything else like to get rid of us? Is it all of us or just some of us? How do you know?

How do you know the Earth loves irony? How do you know the Earth loves at all? Could it be God that loves you and not the earth? Could it be that God loves you and yet you've not recognized it at all but simply give more attention to the things he's made (the earth) rather than the one that made it for you? Food for thought is all.

Could it be that I only have 15 minutes to fit a game in before Lost comes on?

"Professing themselves to be wise they've become fools".

Humans will become extinct because of evolution. Soon enough, a stronger , more sophisticated species will overtake us, just like what been happening for centuries before us.

The other theory is that we will come to a nuclear war that will kill us all.

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Humans will become extinct because of evolution. Soon enough, a stronger , more sophisticated species will overtake us, just like what been happening for centuries before us.

The other theory is that we will come to a nuclear war that will kill us all.

Even if a more sophisticated species comes about, that doesn't necessarily mean that humans will become extinct.

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No one on the earth has any answers to quiestions that you asked. If anybody did than we would already know the answers.

The only thing we know is that we do NOT know. We can only guess and create our own theories. The only thing that we can do is believe in what we think.

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No one on the earth has any answers to quiestions that you asked. If anybody did than we would already know the answers.

The only thing we know is that we do NOT know. We can only guess and create our own theories. The only thing that we can do is believe in what we think.

Hence biblical sripture (and this is coming from a very religiouse catholic)

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Wow you guys are terrible spellers!!! YFL, I know where you are coming from. The only change that is going to happen is the change that you MAKE happen. I sit on my *** all the time & watch life pass on by & am about to start doing something about it. Start small, break the routine any way possible. Take different routes, talk to different people. Allow yourself to be inspired by others & run with that inspiration! You can go anywhere you want. (I'm never this optimistic!)

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No one on the earth has any answers to quiestions that you asked. If anybody did than we would already know the answers.

The only thing we know is that we do NOT know. We can only guess and create our own theories. The only thing that we can do is believe in what we think.

How do you know that we do NOT know and can only guess? How do you know they are all theories? You sound like you have anwers unless your statement is a guess/theory that we do NOT know and can only guess.

More food for thought. :twocents:

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I have a hard time taking BigRog seriously with that cute little midget as an avatar, and use to be his sig as well. Get Gary Coleman outta here lol.

Watchu talking bout uncle mo

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good points mo, good points...

y4l, i feel the same way about life sometimes that you do, and I am in school. I go to class (sometimes), do my homework, study occasionally, take tests, fill my head with lots of random knowledge that has little practical application to what im going to be doing.... and its a pattern that ive had for 12 years, and another 4 or 5....

but thats where purpose and meaning in llfe comes in, and I def believe in God and that he has a purpose and plan for my life. Once you realize that, its a lot easier to be happy, because I know he's in control, and that my life is of worth to somebody else. And thats really what matters....

Last spring i sorta went thru the whole "finding yourself" thing as a high school senior... i was able to give up a lot of the stress i put upon myself, and everyday i make a concerted effort to relax and spend time with those that i love... ever since, ive found my quality of life has improved so much... I have a new appreciation for life and God, and hes really really really turned my life around....

im not trying to push my beliefs on you, but thats my story, thats what i believe, and its worked for me... just some more food for thought...

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