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Mvp 2007


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Y4L no offense but i feel like your a mother braking up a fight between siblings. Sry Y4L

No I'm not. I'm more concerned about keeping this thread on the subject of the Mvp 07 mod and not having it branch out into stupid arguements that have no purpose here.

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I'm working on some various things that could spice things up. First, I need to finish my Wrigley mod and convert it to a night version. I will also hopefully be doing some more cyberfaces with redsx2434. I think the new stadium select screens are a must. If only I could get that project off the ground...

Something else I might start in the near future is a new grass changer mod. This will follow the same concept as the old grass changer, but it will not only ELIMINATE shimmering, it will also improve the grass texture and make it look more realistic. More info to come soon...

One thing I think Kraw should definitely consider is including bodhiball's minor league stadiums to replace some classic stadiums (Veteran's, Olympic, etc.) and some of the generic minor league parks. Hopefully, I can do the stadium select screens for them!

Hey KC, if you plan on doing more uniform updates, just to let you know, the Cubs will be adding the last names back on to their home jerseys in 2007 (I'm not demanding this, I'm just letting you know)

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Great thread guys. I am really beginning to think that everything is possbile to mod for this game. I really wish i knew how to mod this game but hey, My only demand that i want for it to be wished is if anyone can figure out if we can have franshise mode season with all teams as users like the triple play series. That would own everything. Thanks and really looking foward to MLB07.

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Great thread guys. I am really beginning to think that everything is possbile to mod for this game. I really wish i knew how to mod this game but hey, My only demand that i want for it to be wished is if anyone can figure out if we can have franshise mode season with all teams as users like the triple play series. That would own everything. Thanks and really looking foward to MLB07.

I wouldn't mind owning every team, but I think that will be too much to control. But I would love owning two teams, then me and a friend could play the same dynasty, like TP-series :D

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Not sure if this can be done but I have noticed on MVP 06 NCAA that the fielding animations were greatly improved over 05. There were fewer throws on the run.

In 05 if a right handed third baseman backhanded a ball headed down the line his momentum always carried him too far into foul territory resulting in a weak throw to first. In NCAA the fielder's momentum would take over but before the throw he would plant, set and fire to first. This may be something that can be edited in the datafile, but I'm not a modder, just an appreciative member of the forum.

Another example is when the catcher pr pitcher field bunts and make the awkward throwing motion to first.

Thanks for all the work guys. MVP 05 is timeless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my idea is too complex fot mod's it would take building a new game hopefully one day someone will do it

its making more interactive events other than just the game like going to the locker room it could be used to save the game and do other functions like roster moves and it would open the door for idea number 2

make players like the sims game that they need to go through a process of diet, rest, team chemistry where they socialize in the locker room and those individual stats influence on gameplay , like if for instance johnny damon didnt sleep well his energy mode would be low making his playing lousy,

i dunno it would give it a whole new kind of realism, there could be locker room incidents like balco involvement, fights shubbing a reporters camera

yep it sounds tioo good to be made by ea sports, more like a rockstar game

also make the creations of ball parks more individual creations and not be just limited to a few selections like if i want to have a damn fountain in center field well my god let me do it! XD

ill keep dreaming till that, the perfect game is made xD

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oh yeah heres an idea for the mod 2007

make a list with links step by step of the different files that DO work together and not how you have it now that you have to read through the downloads and pick and when you install them you find out they dont run together like the mod 06 doesnt work with the Ultimate rosters 8.0 plus edition, so right now im still using the 05 version with that roster update

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my idea is too complex fot mod's it would take building a new game hopefully one day someone will do it

its making more interactive events other than just the game like going to the locker room it could be used to save the game and do other functions like roster moves and it would open the door for idea number 2

make players like the sims game that they need to go through a process of diet, rest, team chemistry where they socialize in the locker room and those individual stats influence on gameplay , like if for instance johnny damon didnt sleep well his energy mode would be low making his playing lousy,

i dunno it would give it a whole new kind of realism, there could be locker room incidents like balco involvement, fights shubbing a reporters camera

yep it sounds tioo good to be made by ea sports, more like a rockstar game

also make the creations of ball parks more individual creations and not be just limited to a few selections like if i want to have a damn fountain in center field well my god let me do it! XD

ill keep dreaming till that, the perfect game is made xD

Talk to EA about it :)

The Sims 3: MVP Baseball

sounds kind of interesting to me.

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my idea is too complex fot mod's it would take building a new game hopefully one day someone will do it

its making more interactive events other than just the game like going to the locker room it could be used to save the game and do other functions like roster moves and it would open the door for idea number 2

make players like the sims game that they need to go through a process of diet, rest, team chemistry where they socialize in the locker room and those individual stats influence on gameplay , like if for instance johnny damon didnt sleep well his energy mode would be low making his playing lousy,

i dunno it would give it a whole new kind of realism, there could be locker room incidents like balco involvement, fights shubbing a reporters camera

yep it sounds tioo good to be made by ea sports, more like a rockstar game

also make the creations of ball parks more individual creations and not be just limited to a few selections like if i want to have a damn fountain in center field well my god let me do it! XD

ill keep dreaming till that, the perfect game is made xD

In my opinion sports games started going downhill when developers started worrying about chemistry. I wish developers would focus more on making the in-game realistic and stop worrying so much about players attitudes and locker room crap. All I want is for a game to play as realistic as possible and give talented pc'ers a way to mod to make it as graphically realistic as possible (I'm talking to you Madden developers). Until the game play is close to perfect I don't want to see bells and whistles in sports games.

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I could probably help out with the MVP07 video footage for the intro, I've made counter-strike videos, I'm thinking it'd be almost the same, just capturing in-game footage with fraps or something of that sort

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Maybe this is right forum -maybe not - but would be good to improve the player contracts if possible in this version.

At the moment im finding that outfield players are keen to take a pay cut from their contracts (in my Dynasty Soriano coming off contract wanted $5.5m for 2 years - down from $10m). As a result most good players, including pitchers are resigned. After 3 years there isnt many decent free agents at all. Is it possible to have an inflation in contracts ? maybe they want more than before (not many people are keen to take a pay cut).

I did a few searchs in forums and its an issue thats been raised before, but dont know if it was fully tweaked in MLB06. It seemed to be fixable rather than hard coded.

Cheers in advance.

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