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Nightmare On Mo Street


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Hi. I've had two nightmares last night and one just a few days ago :tired: . I mean wacked out scary nightmares. Since it is Holloween time, let's keep this thread open to post any dream or nightmare that you've had recently, as well as ones that you've always remembered from your past. If you have one in the future, whether a dream or nightmare, post them here. I'll share mine later on. I should have about 3 that are very recent and some wacked out stuff from when I was a little boy :binkybaby: .

Post them up. This should be one interesting and wild thread. :stickman:

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OK, sounds like a great topic Mo, I actually had one last night. I was on a plane that had been hijacked, and there target was the John Hancock Building in Chicago, US. They said they had a bomb, But then magically i got into the cockpit, with a gun, i shot the terrorists inside the cockpit, but also magically none of the bullets went outside the windows. Then i realized that it was a dream. So, I woke up and then went back to sleep. Then I drempt that my dad had but something in the microwave, and it expoded and he died. Then my mom got hit by a car walking the dog.

This was one wacked up dream.

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I actually had one a little while ago in which the stove was on and all of sudden spark caused an enormous sea of flames and explosions ... now I always check to see if the stove is turned off right before I go to bed.

I also dream about my cat escaping the house sometimes and never seeing him again. I'm about as queer as they come I guess

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Mine are actually real

My car amp died for my stereo (~550 bucks)

My 360 took a crap

A deer hit my car, broke the drivers side mirror and the front windshield

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I can't remember all the details as this dream occured when I was about 7-ish - but I've always been able to remember the main points of it:

I'm on the school bus, chugging along to school. All of a sudden the bus jolts, kind of like it hit a bump. Then the other kids start screaming! I move to the window and a huge damned boar is chasing the bus and slamming up against the side of it. Finally, one of the boars curved tusks pop the wheel and the bus can't go any further. Of course, all the kids are going ape nuts, myself included. The boar then breaks through the door and eats the driver, then proceeds to grab a kid here and there on it's way to the back of the bus where I am crouched. Just as it gets to me with it's mouth wide open, I'm awake.

No idea what that dream is supposed to "mean". But, like I said, I've always remembered it (it's been at least 15 years).

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What would make you think of something that scares the crap out of you?

My dream the other day was a man making a stabbing motion who was thinking of me or the person he had just killed just some day(s) before. He knew I knew it was him and gave me the look as if to say, "Oh shoot, he just saw me do this stabbing motion." He's next.

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What would make you think of something that scares the crap out of you?

My dream the other day was a man making a stabbing motion who was thinking of me or the person he had just killed just some day(s) before. He knew I knew it was him and gave me the look as if to say, "Oh shoot, he just saw me do this stabbing motion." He's next.

Stabbing motion? Did he say, "Stand back red, I've got to practice my stabbin?"

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I feel like this thread is being spammed with crap.
hey, i had a dream about spam! All these pigs where eating it, and people were playing ukeleles and it was like the room was light by hundreds of small library desk lamps...

ok, i just made that all up on the spot.

no, really. i had this dream where i was in this weird kind of "convention", where i was sitting in one of those booths like in star wars in that huge congress-type building, with all of the levetating convertible helicopters were people announce things. anyway, so me and some people who kind of looked like people from my school, but not really, were sitting in this room-thing, and we were given chopsticks with personality traits written on the sides of them in gold-leaf. so i tried to find someone with the same personality traits i had on my chopsticks, but i couldn't. so i went out of the building, but then it started looking like an office building, with low, white ceilings, and there was this little ugly courtyard with some soda dispensers. i was going through this building until i was running back; i don't remember why i was scared, but i was. so i finally made it back into the star wars building, and suddenly it was sinking. like it was a ship. only, i wasn't like "help, we're sikning!" and faint of panic, i was kind of like, "We're sinking? Damn! oh well, that's a bummer. um, so... where can i find some life jackets? oh, ok, here they are. let's go now."

i sware to god, 100% true.

oh, and i also had this dream, when i was like 6 or 7, when i was climbing up a giant carrot up ontop of a canyon. i also had this one where i was being chased by some pigs, and i was running away in those star wars hovering cars. more star wars!!! man, i don't what's with me and star wars-related dreams, i think it's a coincidence, especially considering i don't really watch star wars much. not really at all, actually.

EDIT: :w00t: seven-hundred posts! that's a mighty big number.

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UncleMo, I've been lucky, I usually don't have nightmares. I thank God for that. I mean I'd like to come up with something funny and say I had a nightmare about being stuck in Fenway Park for a weekend and loving it,

but that would be untrue because I never dreamed it and I hope I never do.

A lot of my dreams are based on when I lived in Hawaii years ago. It's always the same thing. I'm there with some relatives -and they are always different ones- and we are always on our last day there and we are rushed into seeing the sites. Yeah, it's odd.

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My dream the other day was a man making a stabbing motion who was thinking of me or the person he had just killed just some day(s) before. He knew I knew it was him and gave me the look as if to say, "Oh shoot, he just saw me do this stabbing motion." He's next.

Were you by ant chance watching "In Living Color" that day? :lol:

the one dream I remember most, was really weird. I was a janitor at the Skydome, and I was sweeping after the game but one family hadn't left and they kept throwing peanuts at me. I don't really know why I've remembered it for so long as this happened quite some time back.

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O man, I still have this recurring nightmare since I was about 3 years old. I fell into a pool at a hotel and went lights out when I was about 2, so I always have this dream, even though I love to swim now. I'm in a pool and I'm being chased around by Dracula. I can't swim so I hang onto the walls. I'm too small to get out, but still I have to get away from the fanged *******. It basically goes on like that for a very long time until I wake up. It's such a stupid dream and I hate it, but I really can't get it out of my head.

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