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I will die on October 22, 2060


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I'm afraid of dying because that will be the end of my existence. There is no life after you are dead.

Look at it this way fred, you've already BEEN dead (didn't exist). That wasn't so bad, was it?

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As I said before, the reason I am afraid, is because I don't want my existence to end. I want to lead the longest possible life I can and live it to fulfillment because there is nothing else. Our worth is measured here, by people, not by something no one can yet explain.

Just some questions I'd consider if I believed the exact same thing as you. Or, questions I'd be asking myself to do some real searching-

Why, if after this life there is nothing, is there any value on our lives on earth. Where does value come from-as in, the origin of value? What if the origin of value did come from something you can not explain but someone else could but you/we just don't want to hear it. Or, even differently, to better suit this thinking, what if value came from something no one could explain? Does it have to be explainable in order for value to originate from? Does it really have to be?

If our worth is measured here, by people, then what if everyone valued you very little. Then what? Doesn't it just hit home at the very heart that value could possibly come from something outside of this world in which you could be highly valued whether or not other people, here on earth, value you one bit? If everyone thought I was a piece of trash, or just useless (maybe I was a bum, always drunk out of my mind, living in filth and I disgusted everyone by my look and smell) to society, would that mean I might as well be dead since I'm not valued highly? Or, should I just have my life changed so that I could start being valued highly in other peoples eyes, amost as if I exist to recieve value from others.

There is a high value on people, in my belief, whether they are the scum of this world as we'd call them, or whether they are rich, famous, and beloved by our world. The value is the same no matter who we are. The love and welcome is the same no matter who we are, or how high or low we are valued by others. And if I have not already over indulged myself, I'll say this since it is exactly what I've said above: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that for whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life". That is the value placed on you, me, everyone, whether or not we believe it or not. Our value to Him doesn't change. Again, this is just my belief. If it helps, I've never earned nor deserved this kind of value. Though I feel I can explain the value, I've never, ever, been able to explain the why behind it.

There are things that cause those with ADD to really, really, zone in. I mean give you utter concentration to where if someone breaks that concentration it can make you angry, assuming you were really wanting to be that focused.

Techno music, for example, while working out or driving can really cause me to zero in on those activities. While working out I can cause my mind to push my body further, have more drive. While driving, meh, I should not be driving fast anyway so never mind.

Playing this game, I can at times totally be zeroed in on this game when the sound is turned up that I actually pay attention to each pitch I throw. When not zeroed in, I forget what I've been pitching for the past 1-10 pitches and all of a sudden my pitcher is either in a jam or has given up a homer. This has happened to me twice this week already. This is just a side note. Sorry for getting this :offtopic: off topic.

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I'm against being as unknowledgeable as I am now, if I'm against anything related to the subject. I need to hear more. Not propaganda that I'm hearing from both sides. This is another reason why I'm getting sick of politics. They come down to media wars and who has the most money and star power.

Another thing I'm against is your Mets making my team look like sissies. That, I'm against.

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Why, if after this life there is nothing, is there any value on our lives on earth. Where does value come from-as in, the origin of value? What if the origin of value did come from something you can not explain but someone else could but you/we just don't want to hear it. Or, even differently, to better suit this thinking, what if value came from something no one could explain? Does it have to be explainable in order for value to originate from? Does it really have to be?

Our value comes from what we can contribute to society. Our existence is to benefit ourselves and those around us.

If our worth is measured here, by people, then what if everyone valued you very little. Then what? Doesn't it just hit home at the very heart that value could possibly come from something outside of this world in which you could be highly valued whether or not other people, here on earth, value you one bit? If everyone thought I was a piece of trash, or just useless (maybe I was a bum, always drunk out of my mind, living in filth and I disgusted everyone by my look and smell) to society, would that mean I might as well be dead since I'm not valued highly? Or, should I just have my life changed so that I could start being valued highly in other peoples eyes, almost as if I exist to receive value from others.

Everyone is valued by society, even "bums". To quote Sartre, "The poor don't know that their function in life is to exercise our generosity." Value can be measured at any level.

There is a high value on people, in my belief, whether they are the scum of this world as we'd call them, or whether they are rich, famous, and beloved by our world. The value is the same no matter who we are. The love and welcome is the same no matter who we are, or how high or low we are valued by others. And if I have not already over indulged myself, I'll say this since it is exactly what I've said above: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that for whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life". That is the value placed on you, me, everyone, whether or not we believe it or not. Our value to Him doesn't change. Again, this is just my belief. If it helps, I've never earned nor deserved this kind of value. Though I feel I can explain the value, I've never, ever, been able to explain the why behind it.

So someone who is a liar and cheater all his life should be valued as much as someone who is an upstanding citizen and abides by the moral code society has set in place? Everyone is valued, but some just less than others.

NOTE: I myself am religious even though I consider myself to be an existentialist. You could say I model after Kierkegaard even though I admire Sartre. I have been raised in the Zoroastrian religion, but as I've grown, I've adapted my beliefs according to whatever knowledge I have gained so far. I believe god created a place for existence to occur. I believe in the big bang, evolution and I am still unsure of the after-life. I am in no way trying to make you denounce god or Christianity, I only want to make people think. The reason behind this is because a year or two ago, I was approached by someone who said to me, and I quote: "Your life would be so much better if you were Christian", I cannot describe to you how angry I was at this statement. It is our choices that make us who we are, and if we live by the code of others, then we are not really existing. My goal is too make people think about what they believe in, and why they choose to believe in it.

sorry for the tangent :offtopic:

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1. I've laid it out all, you've laid yours all out, so continuing on topic and to play along (sorry jogar for getting off top.) here goes mine

November 8, 2070-I'd be 93, and that means it'd be tough on the holidays for my family. Assuming I'm missed.

BMI 24

Wife: June 12, 2059

BMI 20

I REALLY gotta get going. My wife only has 1,660,450,320 seconds left to live. 319....



ok gotta run.

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