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Something I noticed last night at dinner


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Last night my wife and I went out to Hooters for something to eat. I'm sure you guys all know what Hooters is. Hot looking girls in tight short shorts, and tight T-shirts.

Excuse me for a moment while I reminisce. :)

Ok, let me get back to why I made this thread. She wanted to go there because she likes the chicken wings there and it was all you can eat wing night. The place was packed. I really don't like chicken wings all that much, but I went because, well you know.

Now if any of you have been in a Hooters, they all have TV's up all over the place with some sporting event on. That's how it was last night. Let's say there were about twenty TV's in the place. A couple of them were on ESPN2 because they were televising a high school football game from somewhere in Texas. Another one had a college football game. A lot of them had the Buffalo Sabres hockey game on because the Sabres are hot right now and they are all on the bandwagon. Not one TV in the place had the World Series on. The game was going on, but you couldn't tell if you were at that place.

People had football jerseys on, hockey jerseys, college teams. The only baseball thing I saw in there was on my head, as I had my Yankee hat on and of course my Yankee coat. No baseball. And the World Series was going on.

This is what really worries me about this sport. I guess I mean to say that I don't have to tell any of you in here how great this game is. It doesn't matter who you root for and why, we are baseball fans. But on a whole, it's ignored. Again, I'm in a sports place where you can have a meal and a few beers and watch the game, but no one cared to watch the Tigers and Cardinals.

Someone I work with, and I don't know how he does it, watches the World Series from the first to last pitch every year. And we have to wake up around 5 am for work. Last night's game ended at 12:06 am and this guy watched it all. He was dragging today, but he watched it. This is too late for any sport to be having their championship games decided. That's why people don't care to tune in anymore. The games are now a dragfest and that's why interest is down. That's why young guys who want to go out to unwind don't bother to tune in a ball game, they'd rather watch a high school team play football. I think that said volumes about the popularity of this game.

I guess I am old fashioned. I still love this game and I still think it is better than any other game. But I am not blind to see why people don't watch it anymore.

Thanks for nothing FOX.

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I'm old fashioned.

I stay away from hooters becaues I'm old OLD fashioned.

Great quote I came upon this week that said something like "basically I love everything about the sport except for the way it is packaged, presented, and sold to me".

Someone get a clue on how to sell the greatest game on earth.

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i kinda agree with you. i've found that the women at hooter's just aren't what they were when the franchise first opened:)

but the baseball thingy...i think it has something to do with the fact that some sports fans don't find it as exciting as the other sports you mentioned. it's a shame, but yes there are fairweather fans out there that don't just enjoy the game for what it is. being that (in your case), if any of the new york teams were in it, it'd probably be a different story. i just remember during the subway series, that there weren't a whole lot of people outside of new york who watched that series (at least that i knew of) unless they were a new york fan or a pure baseball fan. it's a shame, but i don't think there's anything to worry about. there are plenty of us diehard baseball fans. just look at soccer and hockey. they just don't make it in the u.s. market eventhough they're so "exciting". and even with the attitude that some have towards baseball, it's still one of the major sports here.

i personally would've raised holy hell to the manager of the place and ask why he hasn't been fired yet. but i'm a jerk:)

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MLB set records this year for attendance?

Yes they did. But it's not about the game anymore. People are attracted to the off-field things at the stadiums now. The game itself has been pushed to the back burner

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Last night my wife and I went out to Hooters for something to eat. I'm sure you guys all know what Hooters is. Hot looking girls in tight short shorts, and tight T-shirts.

Excuse me for a moment while I reminisce. :)

Ok, let me get back to why I made this thread. She wanted to go there because she likes the chicken wings there and it was all you can eat wing night. The place was packed. I really don't like chicken wings all that much, but I went because, well you know.

Now if any of you have been in a Hooters, they all have TV's up all over the place with some sporting event on. That's how it was last night. Let's say there were about twenty TV's in the place. A couple of them were on ESPN2 because they were televising a high school football game from somewhere in Texas. Another one had a college football game. A lot of them had the Buffalo Sabres hockey game on because the Sabres are hot right now and they are all on the bandwagon. Not one TV in the place had the World Series on. The game was going on, but you couldn't tell if you were at that place.

People had football jerseys on, hockey jerseys, college teams. The only baseball thing I saw in there was on my head, as I had my Yankee hat on and of course my Yankee coat. No baseball. And the World Series was going on.

This is what really worries me about this sport. I guess I mean to say that I don't have to tell any of you in here how great this game is. It doesn't matter who you root for and why, we are baseball fans. But on a whole, it's ignored. Again, I'm in a sports place where you can have a meal and a few beers and watch the game, but no one cared to watch the Tigers and Cardinals.

Someone I work with, and I don't know how he does it, watches the World Series from the first to last pitch every year. And we have to wake up around 5 am for work. Last night's game ended at 12:06 am and this guy watched it all. He was dragging today, but he watched it. This is too late for any sport to be having their championship games decided. That's why people don't care to tune in anymore. The games are now a dragfest and that's why interest is down. That's why young guys who want to go out to unwind don't bother to tune in a ball game, they'd rather watch a high school team play football. I think that said volumes about the popularity of this game.

I guess I am old fashioned. I still love this game and I still think it is better than any other game. But I am not blind to see why people don't watch it anymore.

Thanks for nothing FOX.

POTD. :hail:

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When the Yankees have been in the playoffs, I've watched every pitch of every game. I have to admit that I can't remember what I did between 1981 and 1995 when the Yanks were not in the playoffs as much (or at all).

Once October rolls around, I tell my wife that I have a rough 3 - 4 weeks ahead of me because I know that I won't be getting much sleep. I too get up between 5:00 and 5:30 a.m. every day and those late games mean that I need a bit more coffee the next morning. :coffee: I especially remember those extra inning (Mystique and Aura) games in the 2001 World Series between the Yanks and D'backs. I needed the extra large coffee after some of those games. Luckily, I can usually get by on about 6 hours of sleep each night (I tend to catch up on weekends).

The lateness of the games does definitely bother me. It also means that a new generation of fans, can only see a few innings before having to go to bed. Even playoff and World Series games played on weekends are in primetime. When I was growing up in the 70's I remember that weekend games would have a 4:00 p.m. start time, so you could see entire games. Weeknight games would start around 7:00 p.m., so you could see a lot of the game before having to go to bed. Now, it's all about the almighty advertising dollar, and that dictates that the games start (and finish) so late.

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The lateness of the games does definitely bother me...Now, it's all about the almighty advertising dollar, and that dictates that the games start (and finish) so late.

yeah, unfortunately that'll probably never change. sux.

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When I was growing up in the 70's I remember that weekend games would have a 4:00 p.m. start time, so you could see entire games. Weeknight games would start around 7:00 p.m., so you could see a lot of the game before having to go to bed. Now, it's all about the almighty advertising dollar, and that dictates that the games start (and finish) so late.

Jim, we grew up around the same time. Do you remember the '75 World Series, game six? Everyone in here knows about it. It's the one where Carlton Fisk homered to win the game for the Red Sox and he is pictured waving and imploring the ball go to fair, which it did. Everyone has seen a replay of that famous homerun.

Well, that game went 12 INNINGS. 12. And that game ended at 12:30 am. The only reason why that game ended that late was because it had to go in extra innings. Back then the games moved faster. We were only up late that day because the damn game lasted that long. Now, it is a nightly occurrence.

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''Baseball is like a game of chess. It takes strategy and it's about out-movering your opponents.''

I heard something like that from somebody.....but anyway it's true.

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yeah... i hate the late start times... and fox drags the game out so long

i have to go to wake up for school around 6 so i generally get less than 6 hours of sleep during the play-offs... it'd be nice if the games started earlier... and if fox wasn't presenting them

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i personally would've raised holy hell to the manager of the place and ask why he hasn't been fired yet. but i'm a jerk:)

No, I didn't say anything. I didn't think it would matter. I wasn't going to be there much longer anyways, so it didn't matter.

Didnt MLB set records this year for attendance?

They sure did, but I'm not talking about that. I am talking about how MLB messes up their championship games year after year so most people can't watch them. I don't care if the Cardinals and Tigers are in it now, I'd like to watch this, but I can't stay up that late.

Damn, look at the NFL. What time do they start the Super Bowl? 6 pm in the east? Great! It'll get done 9:30 or a little after and that's that. Not baseball. If you don't live in California, you are screwed.

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''Baseball is like a game of chess. It takes strategy and it's about out-movering your opponents.''

I heard something like that from somebody.....but anyway it's true.

Yes it's true, but think about it. In games years ago did they not try to out think and out maneuver opponents? They sure did. And they were still able to get the games in faster.

The reason why I brought up that 1975 World Series game was to point out that the reason why that game ended so late was only because it went into extra innings. It was not the norm back then to have games end that late.

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If you don't live in California, you are screwed.

Or New Zealand :)

An 8pm ET game is a 1pm day game over here

Kind of ridiculous really, a kid over here in NZ can watch all of America's game on a Saturday afternoon, yet a kid on the East Coast of the country where it's actually played can only see the first few innings...

The reason why I brought up that 1975 World Series game was to point out that the reason why that game ended so late was only because it went into extra innings. It was not the norm back then to have games end that late.

And if that game had been played in 2006, with all the delays and other bs it would've ended around 2 or 3am ET

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Man, I wish I lived in the 60's. My grandfather tells me stories of how he went to the first games at Shea. You would get there about two hours before game time, have a catch in the parking lot, tailgate, and then watch the game.

I was also watch the Mets classics and the players back then had a passion to play. Every ones unifrom was dirty, there were take out slides, barreling the catcher, and fights.

Todays game is like there are pincesses out on the field. You can't take out a catcher, you can't fight, you can't throw inside, you can't do anything.

That's why as much as I love organized baseball, I'd rather play a game of stickball at the local P.S. anyday of the week. No rules, just baseball.

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As sloppy as this WS has been it's been interesting. I'm surprised that none of the TV's had the game on. I might understand this where I come from (being all about hockey) but that is pretty sad for the sports biggest marketed country.

btw, side note, this is the first WS that the Yankees aren't in that I have actually wanted to watch.

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Last night my wife and I went out to Hooters for something to eat. I'm sure you guys all know what Hooters is. Hot looking girls in tight short shorts, and tight T-shirts.

WOW your wife let's you go to Hooters, that's a keeper, my ex-fiance wouldn't make me watch tv with a good looking girl on it let alone go with me to a place like that, more power to you brother.

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I await the day NBC will get baseball back on their network as they provide by far the best presentation hands down...

I wish, that's not going to be for awhile since FOX signed a 7 year deal or something around that.

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Jim, we grew up around the same time. Do you remember the '75 World Series, game six? Everyone in here knows about it. It's the one where Carlton Fisk homered to win the game for the Red Sox and he is pictured waving and imploring the ball go to fair, which it did. Everyone has seen a replay of that famous homerun.

Yes, I remember that game. I was 14 at the time and I think that it was the only game that year I couldn't watch until the end because I had to get up for school the next morning.

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