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PORTRAIT.BIG 3000+ Fsh Files?


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hey guys, just wanted to make sure abotu a couple of things.

does htis problem occur only using mvpedit, or using gfxpak by itself?

what is the most portrait fsh files you have installed and working properly in-game with portrait.big?

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The error comes from gfxpak rather than mvpedit itself.

I don't know if this affects bat installs with gfxpak since I always use EAGE.

I currently have 3543 portraits installed. and everything works fine in game.

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from what rglass told me from high heat net, mvp edit works with gfxpak through which enables the viewing to 3000 fsh files due to memory capabilities. so, as long as there are less than 3000 pics or somewhere around that number, mvpedit will show the portraits. do you have any new info or are you able to show pictures through fuzz studio higher than 3000 portraits. that would be awesome. hey fuzz, cheers to your programing. i really enjoy the capabilities of your uniform editor. thank you.


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thanks for the responses guys..i don't know,im having this problem as of now, and alextony and i spoke about this earlier, so maybe ill look in to it. i doubt anything can be done though.

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hey fuzz, i have not been able to add any pics since. i have used an

older portrait file to add a few teams but then i have to swap the actual portrait.big files before i play IF using one of the teams that has no pics.

so what i have done often is not use pics for the less used relief pitchers

and back ups. then used those numbers for starters/key players for other teams i/we create.

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Hey FuzZ, they won't show in mvpedit over 3000 but i think you can put a portrait for every player spot and they will show in the game. i used ea graph and put a ton of pics in the game and all of them showed up, i just couldn't view them in mvpedit.


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