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Jered Weaver's attire while watching brother Jeff in W.S.?


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I was wondering this while watching the game, and after reading several articles centered around Jered and Jeff weaver's celebration after the World Series ended... I figured I'd ask peoples' opinions here...

Jered Weaver (now a starter for the Angels) was wearing ALL STL Cardinals gear while watching his brother Jeff pitch for STL in the clincher in St. Louis. Obviously I get why he was wearing it - to support his brother...

...but is this good form, considering he plays for another MLB franchise?

I am just wondering what others think of this.

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The Angels regular season was over, so he's free to do whatever he wants in his free-time in the off-season, even if that includes dressing up like a clown (wearing a Cardinals uni).

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The Angels regular season was over, so he's free to do whatever he wants in his free-time in the off-season, even if that includes dressing up like a clown (wearing a Cardinals uni).

:lmao: Like the guy in the MVP 2005 intro video.

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Personally, I have absolutely no problem with what Jered was wearing. Bros before Hos, except in this case, the Hos are the Angels. Well, not Hos, Halos. Catch my drift?

lol. NICE. And actually, yes, I agree. I thought it was nice to see. But I was just wondering if I might feel differently, if I was a Cards fan, and it was Angels-SomebodyElse in the series, and Jeff was there to watch Jered and he was wearing a bunch of the other team's stuff.

I don't know if I'd feel a little mad about him choosing to represent another team or not. I figured it might've been more "politically correct" of him to just NOT wear a team's apparel at all - but I actually applaud him for wearing the Cards' gear. In my opinion he did the right thing - I was just looking to see if anybody else had a different opinion.

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The Angels regular season was over, so he's free to do whatever he wants in his free-time in the off-season, even if that includes dressing up like a clown (wearing a Cardinals uni).

You b4st4rd! lol!

Like the guy in the MVP 2005 intro video.

I assume you're talking about the dude with the big red fro-wig? lol. that dude makes me sad.

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even if that includes dressing up like a clown (wearing a Cardinals uni).

now there's a true Cubs' fan

I think it was really nice to see Jared cheering on his brother. As long as Jared keeps winning like crazy, the Angels should let him do what he wants.

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I'm I allowed to give my opinion?

It caught me by surprise when I saw it, but after thinking about it for about 5 seconds I was OK with it because it was a NL team and not a competing AL team.

I know they have interleague games now, but the Angels only see the Cards what once every three years. It had to be hard for Weaver family this season with Jeff being cut from the team to make room for Jered, I think it was just Jered supporting his brother any and every way he could after a hard season for the family.

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I'm I allowed to give my opinion?

It caught me by surprise when I saw it, but after thinking about it for about 5 seconds I was OK with it because it was a NL team and not a competing AL team.

I know they have interleague games now, but the Angels only see the Cards what once every three years. It had to be hard for Weaver family this season with Jeff being cut from the team to make room for Jered, I think it was just Jered supporting his brother any and every way he could after a hard season for the family.

I know this may stun you rigid, Kraw, but...

...I COMPLETELY agree with you. :) 100%.

I had the same initial reaction, then changed my mind and thought it was pretty admirable.

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I don't see why not, it's his brother. If he wanted to support him it's his right. I don't think that if Jeff was facing John Lackey in game 2 of the WS that he would be rooting for Jeff, but this was fine by me.

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Personally, I liked seeing it.

And how he cheered him on and on? That too.

I think it shows good family bonds in baseball. Besides, if he went there in Angels gear... :wave:

although I recall going to a Mets game in a Yankee shirt, only cause it was right after school and my dad didn't bother telling me that I was going to a game. (Back when I was young/dumb aka yankee fan)

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Are there any Angels fans out there that wanna chime in on this? I'm just wondering if it made you feel snubbed or if it was as easy to understand and feel good about for you guys as it was for the rest of us.

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honestly, I would've been more surprised had Jared been wearing Angels attire at a game between the Tigers and Cardinals. I would've thought he was a complete moron. He is cheering for the Cardianls, so he should dress like a Cardinals fan.

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I dont think one person in this world had a problem with it... even the Angels hadda be cheering for a former player, and cheering for the NL to win over an good AL team

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honestly, I would've been more surprised had Jared been wearing Angels attire at a game between the Tigers and Cardinals. I would've thought he was a complete moron. He is cheering for the Cardianls, so he should dress like a Cardinals fan.

Oh yeah. Definately. I wasn't trying to imply I expected him to be wearing Angels stuff - but I figured maybe a neutral "WS06" jacket or something - but that dude was wearing more Cardinals gear than I've owned in my life. lol. I wish I could find a picture of it - but I think he had a shirt, jacket, and headband. lol. Maybe even Cards boxers underneath it all. :whistle:

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I just remembered something.

Kraw (And everyone else) - I wanted to ask another question. I was talking to my biggest baseball-fan friends here in STL and we all thought that Joe Buck was really playing up his "non-biased" attitude so much that he came off almost sounding pro-detroit in the series. But everyone on here I talk to thinks he was obviously pro-STL. It's weird - because those of us here in STL think he was TOTALLY against STL, and those of you outside STL seem to thing he was TOTALLY for STL.

I was just wondering if anybody had any examples for or against the idea of Buck being a "homer" during the broadcasts? Especially Kraw, cuz that guy notices everything. He's like rainman.

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i gotta say as an angels fan, seeing jered rooting for his brother wasn't really a big deal for me. heck i was rooting for jeff and the cardinals too...and yeah it was nice to see the family supporting each other after a rough regular season for jeff (w/ the angels) ...how he was cut loose and that whole deal.

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I'm also an Angels fan, and I had absolutely no problem with it. I actually found it pretty endearing -- young upstart cheering for his older brother who finally got a chance to shine.

It's nice to be reminded of the human element and that while baseball is a business, it's really just grown men playing a game. And like some others said, it would've been really kind of cheesy for Jered to show up wearing Angels gear....

Of course, if Jeff had ended up with the A's and they were in the World Series, that would obviously be a whole different story. ;)

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I'm also an Angels fan, and I had absolutely no problem with it. I actually found it pretty endearing -- young upstart cheering for his older brother who finally got a chance to shine.

It's nice to be reminded of the human element and that while baseball is a business, it's really just grown men playing a game. And like some others said, it would've been really kind of cheesy for Jered to show up wearing Angels gear....

Of course, if Jeff had ended up with the A's and they were in the World Series, that would obviously be a whole different story. ;)

well said Laloosh, esp about jered showing up in angels gear, that would've been pretty lame. actually im curious if there's anyone out there who DID have a problem with this?

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I was just wondering if anybody had any examples for or against the idea of Buck being a "homer" during the broadcasts? Especially Kraw, cuz that guy notices everything. He's like rainman.

He wasn't being pro-Cardinal.

Anyone who thinks that wasn't being objective coming in. They thought, "Oh, Buck is a Cards guy. I bet he's gonna be really biased this series."

The problem is that Buck's demeanor when broadcasting is relaxed and "professional." It's like he thinks getting excited is a bad thing. I'd bet that when other teams heard Buck's boring calls towards the other teams, they thought it was bias. He did the same for the Cards..

Seriously, look at even the final call of the World Series: it was the same, monotonous Buck: [in a relatively calm, bland voice] "After a 24 year wait, the Cardinals are World Series champions."

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