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How many musicians do we have on this site??


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I'm actually a music major in college right now... I'm focusing on history and composition/theory (although there is no specific designation within the major). I sing as a Tenor I in the Chorale and Collegium Musicum (a group that features early music from the Medieval-Late Baroque periods), although I don't consider myself to be a soloist. I also take piano lessons, and I was good enough to pass the mandatory-for-majors proficiency exam. I'm improving my multi-part reading, because I already have a very good ear - I can pick up a song and play along with it on the piano quickly.

If you'd like to hear some of my compositions, I have a few available on the "Music Projects" section of my web site, Yosuamedia.com. My brother (DYosua on this forum) also has his songs available on there, as he is also a music major at the same college.

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Old starving musician here. I've been playing the guitar for almost 30 years now.

I did just about everything I could to earn a living at it from playing in clubs to even playing cruise ships. I'm a heavy metal guy at heart so the cruise ship gig didn't last very long. :)

Long story short...got married, had kids......

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As for me, I'm a DJ, I consider turntables to be my "instrument"

I consider you as "someone who stands there and pushes 'play'".

/Sarcasm. I enjoy a good DJ but I don't consider them musicians by any stretch of the word. Nothing against what you do man.

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I play guitar and drums. A band I was in recorded an album but the heavy metal scene is tough to make a mark unless you "fit in". -Song- I played drums in the band but I wrote half the riffs in the songs too.

I feel Trues' pain. Wife and kids come and you no longer have the cash to afford on gear and traveling on shows. Now, all I can do is mess around on the computer.

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I consider you as "someone who stands there and pushes 'play'".

/Sarcasm. I enjoy a good DJ but I don't consider them musicians by any stretch of the word. Nothing against what you do man.

There's more to it that just pressing play. You have to beat-match, beat-juggle, scratch, mix, make sounds using other records, it's fun but complex.

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There's more to it that just pressing play. You have to beat-match, beat-juggle, scratch, mix, make sounds using other records, it's fun but complex.

Totally. I've dabbled a little myself, quite unsuccessfully I may add.

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