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NHL 2007 issue


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hi guys,

I recently purchased NHL2007 on the PC but when I get to the main menu the cursor goes crazy and rotates between all the options from PLAY NOW to EA ONLINE.

my controller has no control, i literally have to press the button and hope ive hit play now and even then i cant pick the team i want to be because its just flicking through all crazy even though im not pressing anything.

I'm using this USB PS2 CONVERTER:


i have 2 ps2 controllers connected to it and it works perfectly fine with MADDEN 2007, MVP 2005/06, FIFA 2007 its onlyNHL 2007 thats playing up.

can anyone help with the problem? No idea why the controllers going crazy but if theres a solution i'd like to hear it.


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thanks mate, il have a look at this afternoon, i've tried the search function here and more or less every controller problem is related to the configuration.

im not sure if this issue requires a regit controller config or not, but what i can add to my initial post is that...

because i have madden 2007, when you go into replay it was impossible to exit the replay and the only way to exit was via control+alt+del

the solution was in REGEDIT find the controller and re-name it LOGITECH DUAL ACTION now start button on my PS2 controller can exit teh replay screens.

im not sure how relavent that is but any tips and i mean literally any i'd happily listen to.

not being able to play a new game is a real pain :roll:

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The NHL series is very "not" interesting anymore. It's for the kiddies now. While it's fun and easy to play, it has too many problems if you want realism. You're going to have a hard time finding help like you would here. I've given up on it and I think a lot of people have too. For what it's worth, I've have the Logitech dual action and it works with all the ea games. The only thing is you HAVE to install the drivers it comes with, or you will have problems.

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ive just re-read my posts and i think i can make it a little clearer..

heres what happens step by step..

1....i load NHL 07

2 the game gets to the main menu

3....@ this menu its as though i am holding say up or down on the pad because the orange highlight which appears as you flick through each option i.e play now, or rosters etc is zipping through each option going round and round.

it shouldnt be doing this, it should only change as i press up or down, just like if i get to select teams, im not pressing or touching the pad yet its zipping through every team changing every second at top speed. i have no control

is it a controller problem?

ive no idea what i can do.

has that cleared anything up? or we all still a clueless with a solution :(

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guys i managed to fix the problem, i renamed the controller in the REGISTRY and it seemed to work.

but theres another problem :(

i havent finished any of my 4 games infact i've not lasted 1 period..

when theres a goal scored, the game somehow re-starts my pc, one second goal the next its restarting. everytime a goals scored it restarts my pc and i cant do anything about it :(

i think maybe its adriver problem?

can anyone help?

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a friend of mine thinks that but altering the registry has maybe messed up a driver or something.........howver all i did was rename the controller.....but if the registry is upset or teh drivers are affected is there any checks i can do that might find the problem?

whats happening is i get the game to start then its going fine, a goal is scored the screen goes black and the pc restarts

the thing is madden/fifa and nhl 06 never had this problem.

i don't know what i can do because i dont know the problem, any suggestions where i can look to investigate where its going wrong?

getting desparate now, had this game a few days and i only get to play 30 seconds of it :(

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I had the very same problem.......setting vertical sync to app controlled or on should fix the issue.

You can do that in your driver control panel.

sorry for seems a silly question but can anyone show me how to alter the vertical sync to "app controlled" or "on"

where do i go to perform this task?


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thanks lars the game appeals to be working.

so far its a dissapointment.

right analogue isn't "hit stick" any more. also there no skill move or shot with the right analogue.

not too bothered about realism as noted in an early post, jut want big hits skills and some awesome goals

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