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Am i getting better in making sigs?


Am i getting better?  

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oddly anough, i like your first one alot. that one and the cardinals ws champs are my favorite, although teh rivera one is nice too, just little things need to be fixed, like the logo, and maybe add some text in there. still, you're getting better!

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It's obvious that you've progressed a lot and I see you've discovered brush use already, thats a thing I myself started using just a while ago, so you're definetly on the right track. But there is one thing you should discover to take a big step forward : layer effects. That way you can blend objects into the background, right now the players don't blend in.

Take a look at a sig I made for somebody

While this might not be the best example, notice how the lightning and the blended edges on the player match the background and general lightning. Now if I look two of your best sigs, the Rivera and Varitek, Rivera could be blended darker and Varitek in a ligher way so they wouldn't be so cut-off.

Just offering my advice ;)

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You have good styles but i've said it again and ill say it again stay away from light colored backgrounds. Thats the only thing that i dont like about them, Hope that didnt come on to harsh. For the World Champions sig, the players are too small, i would choose two instead of four, make them big, and then darken the background, also put borders on your sigs, it makes them look better. One other thing choose a different logo for that sig, it is kinda goofy lookin. Do you use Gimp or Photoshop?

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