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John Kerry's comments


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In 2004, on a Face the Nation interview

"And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs."


While campaigning in California yesterday for gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides, Kerry said: ``Education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.''

I guess the Democrats may never have power ever again with these kinds of comments.

People who enlist in the military are stupid because it's their only option. American soldiers are akin to terrorists. CONCLUSION: John Kerry is a Republican's best friend.

Your thoughts?

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Well I think it was actually that Bush was the evil of two lessers.

And yes, John Kerry is a giant douche.

But what Kerry was actually saying was the decision to invade Iraq was a stupid thing to do, i.e Bush Jr was stupid, not the actual soldiers on the ground.

i.e do your homework before invading another soveriegn nation

So I don't see what the problem is with what he said, unless you think the invasion of Iraq was a smart thing to do.

As for "young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children" well, that has actually happened, for example the American soldiers who raped a 14 year old and then killed her and her family. Although fortunately those type of incidents are in the minority, you cannot say that does not happen.

That may not play well amongst those who think that somehow being American makes you incapable of committing military atrocities like every other invading army in the history of the world.

I guess the only good thing to say about that issue is at least the American military holds those who committed atrocities to account

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My thoughts are, any politician, Democrap or Repubelican, are slimier than a noodled catfish.

Exactly right.

What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? Answer: Nothing. They both tell you the same lies but from a different angle.

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Appeasers like the liberal Democrats are just a bunch of arrogant, anti-military elitists.

I'd rather take the corrupt Republicans over morons like John Kerry.

Atleast with conservatives this country has a chance of surviving, with liberals America has ZERO chance.

The man insulted the troops for being ignorant and uneducated- just outrageous.

The American Legion (the largest organization for American war-veterans) has demanded an apology from this leftist douche-bag.


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The man insulted the troops for being ignorant and uneducated- just outrageous.

You've been smoking too much crack

He did not 'insult the troops' he was referring to the King Bush II

How can John Kerry be anti-military when he was part of the military?

Or is he anti-himself?

Yes, nutcase conservatives have done such a great job with American foriegn policy, invading another country and in the process, killing over 3000 Americans (more than actually died in the 2001 attacks) with no hope of resolution in sight, not to mention the hundreds of thousand of dead Iraqis that no-one seems to care about.

It's as if facts and reality have no bearing on your opinion whatsoever.

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out of curiosity, hory, why are you so interested in american politics? you are from new zealand, right?

Probably because american politics have a big bearing on the world as a whole.

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out of curiosity, hory, why are you so interested in american politics? you are from new zealand, right?

Good question.

Now take me for instance. I can't name one politician in New Zealand and I could care less.

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I have a degree in Political Science & History, it's my sad fetish.

American politics is by far the most interesting political system in the world.

I was born in the States as well, but left when I was 2 years old, so that's my excuse.

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Good question.

Now take me for instance. I can't name one politician in New Zealand and I could care less.

The only people I know of from New Zealand are Hory, Keith Urban, and of course, the Sheepherders.

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Good question.

Now take me for instance. I can't name one politician in New Zealand and I could care less.

I can't blame you there, if you knew just how dull NZ politics is, you'd understand my interest in the American system

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In 2004, on a Face the Nation interview

"And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs."


While campaigning in California yesterday for gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides, Kerry said: ``Education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.''

I guess the Democrats may never have power ever again with these kinds of comments.

People who enlist in the military are stupid because it's their only option. American soldiers are akin to terrorists. CONCLUSION: John Kerry is a Republican's best friend.

Your thoughts?

I agree with him, now adays most who enlist do so because they do not have many options. Why else would recruiters spend most of their time in low income areas

BTW Kerry enlisted he was not drafted

And if your home was broken into in the middle of the night would your kids be scared shitless? Mine sure would.

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Good question.

Now take me for instance. I can't name one politician in New Zealand and I could care less.

hey, i know where its at! :)

i would have to agree with you hory, it is quite interesting. I'm a physics major, but i still love discussing politics..

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The only people I know of from New Zealand are Hory, Keith Urban, and of course, the Sheepherders.

Heh, the Bushwhackers :)

Don't forget Xena, Warrior Princess!

& Peter Jackson, director of Lord of the Rings.

Russell Crowe was born in NZ too, but they let Australia have him.

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great shakespere! one millionare (both skull and bones) dissing the other. high drama. bread and circus for the increasingly poor masses.

sound and fury signifying abosolutely nothing.

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hey, i know where its at! :)

i would have to agree with you hory, it is quite interesting. I'm a physics major, but i still love discussing politics..

American politics is just so interesting, it's democracy taken to the extreme, which in some ways is a bad thing, like having elected Judges & too much corporate money involved, but is also a great thing, like freedom of speech, without which, the internet as we know it would not exist...

And yet with so much democracy, the US has one of the lowest voting rates in the free world, which is surely a signal that's something is not working as it should, as embodied by Y4L's comments.

Of course every political system has it's faults, in NZ, Australia & Canada, the ceremonial head of state is a representative of the Queen of England, which is just plain nuts.

Anyway, I think I'll shut up now, before I **** someone off, avoiding the discussion of religion or politics on a baseball video game forums is probably a good idea.

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I have a Kiwi accent through and through :)

You can hear my voice on Total Classics doing a few of the pa announcements, (which I am in the process of trying to get a better sounding American-accented voice to redo)

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Off-topic, but I have a Kiwi cricket jersey. My goal in life is to visit every continent. I still have to go to Antarctica, South America and Australia/NZ. I'm going to Australia next December so I will probably also visit New Zealand too. btw, what are politics like in NZ?

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Holy crap, really?

The brown throwback one or the yucky aqua or the modern black one?

NZ actually have a big game against Australia tonight in the semi-final of the Champions trophy, which I'm pretty excited about, as cricket is second only to baseball as my favorite sport.

As for politics, NZ is pretty liberal and tolerant, I like to say NZ is the Canada of the South Pacific (Australia is the USA), the equivalent of the US republicans in NZ are to the left of many American democrats, i.e support civil unions (gay marriage) and don't deny climate change.

Of course, it's pretty easy to be liberal and tolerant when you live in paradise.

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